Ten - Hanging Out

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Crystal's POV

It was now Wednesday afternoon, and I had discovered that I was pregnant a full 3 days ago. My shift at the diner today had just ended and I was exhausted. Today was a rather busy day and I was on my feet the whole time—excluding my lunch break.

Closing my apartment door behind me, I flicked on the light switch so I could see more than a few feet in front of me.

I hated working on Wednesdays, because my shift was from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon. It was like school, but I got paid for being there. That didn't make it anymore pleasing though, because I had to work through the rush-hour. Charlotte's was a pretty popular diner in LA and it was always busy. I hated it.

Trudging my feet over to the leather sofa in my living room, a sat down on it, hoping for a few moments of peace to relax. I kicked my shoes off of my feet and took my hair our of it's ponytail, letting it flow loose to sooth my headache. Exhaling through my nose, I closed my eyes and rested my back against the couch.

Peace and quiet, something I haven't had much of lately.

Since I received news that I was carrying a mini human inside of me, (or technically just a fetus) I hadn't been able to catch a break. The funny thing is, all of the stuff I've been doing lately has had little or nothing to do with my pregnancy. It just so happens that when I find out I'm pregnant, I'm suddenly always busy and on my feet. Great, that's just what I need.

I haven't talked to Justin since yesterday when my sister met him,—which, by the way, she has apparently not stopped crying since she got home, according to my mom—but technically, it didn't count since we really couldn't discuss things and what we're going to do about our current situation. In fact, we have barely even talked about it at all, and since the day I told him, it seems as if he's been avoiding the whole topic around me. Not that I mind. I mean I understand that he's scared and doesn't know what to do, but so am I. Sooner or later, we're going to have to sit down and have a talk about it, and make a plan of what we're going to do when this baby is born, since we don't live together and I don't have any intention to any time soon. We still have plenty of time, though, so I'm not rushing it.

I had been sitting in that same position on the couch for approximately 20 minutes when my phone began vibrating in my back pocket. God dammit, why do I always get interrupted when I'm trying to relax? I swear, every time I try to take a few minutes to breathe I get a phone-call or something of the sort.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone and looked at the screen to see who was calling. Well, speak of the Devil.


I sighed—which is something I seem to be doing a lot lately—and answered, holding the phone to my ear.

"What do you want?" I answered with my usual greeting. After saying it, I realized that Justin doesn't know I usually say it and will probably take it as rude. Oops?

Instead of making a remark about it, he just chuckled on the other line. "What I want is to know if you're busy right now?"

"No, I'm not busy. I just got off work, why?" I was secretly hoping that he wanted to hang out.

"Weeeeeelllll," he dragged out, "I was wondering if you wanted to come over? I'm bored as hell and I figured we should start hanging out. You know, get to know eachother-"

"Yes," I replied a little too quickly. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I'll come over. Uh, just text me your address."

"Alright, I'll see you soon, then?" There was a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

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