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3rd Person POV.

Wayo and Ming ended up falling asleep under the stars that night. Pha and Forth covered them with a tent, (with a screen around it so the bugs wouldn't get in) while Kit and Beam covered to two with A LOT of blankets. 

"They're so cute!" Beam fanboyed and then started coughing.

"Let's get you home babe, I don't want you to get sick," Pha said and they left after saying bye to ForthKit who went to their car to sleep. They stayed over night since they have to drive MingYo home and put everything away in their car.

- Time Skip - 3 1/2 months later - Wayo is 9 months pregnant/currently in labor - 

"I want to go home," Wayo mumbled laying in the school's hosptial bed. Wayo can only go to 'magic friendly' hospitals since humans have no idea how to deal with magical creatures and their medical needs.

Wayo was rushed to the hospital by Ming and his Mother late last night after he had a fight with his father. The old man FINALLY found out that Wayo's been lying and hiding the fact that he is not only best friends with demons, but that he is dating a demon, AND he is that he is HAVING A DEMON'S BABY. To say the old man was pissed off would be an EXTREME understatement. He had overheard his wife talking to Wayo over the phone about due dates, gender, baby products, etc... At first he was ok with it, thinking Wayo found an angel boyfriend. But he was WAY wrong. Wayo was dating Ming, is 9 months pregnant with a a demon's child, and never bothered to tell his father. Boy, was this old-angel MAD. He flew down to Wayo and Ming's aparment and started yelling at the boys, mainly at Wayo. Ming then stepped up and got the old-angel to back off but by then the damage was done. Wayo was crying, stressed out, and in a lot of pain. The stress his father was putting on him caused him to start going into labor. 

So now here they are 5 hours later waiting for Wayo to give birth to their beautiful baby boy. 

"You can go home soon babe, we just have to wait for our prince to get here," Ming said holding his boyfriend's hand, helping him through the pain he was in. 

"I'm really sorry about your father Yo, I didn't think he'd react this way," Wayo's mom said and Wayo just shook his head. 

"It's fine mom, he's gonna have to accept it or just stop talking to us. I don't want him around  baby if he's gonna act like this," Wayo said. 

- the next morning - 

Wayo gave birth to their baby boy, Mee-Noi, (meaning 'little bear') at 3:33 am. Ming's joking that the baby is a demon since he was born during the devil's hour. They actually have no idea what Mee-Noi, aka Noi, is going to be. Ming thinks he'll be a demon while Wayo thinks he'll be half angel and half demon. 

"Either way we'll love him no matther what, he's too cute!" Ming said as he watched Wayo holding their baby close to his chest. 

"I'm so tired," Wayo mumbled starting to fall asleep, he had passed out minutes after Noi was born and just barley woke up about an hour ago. It's currently 7am so he's only gotten 3 hours of sleep. Ming smiled and leaned down kissing his boyfriend, picking up the baby, and calling a nurse over. 

"Go ahead and sleep babe, I'll take care of Noi, I gotta learn how to be a father," Ming said smiling but getting a tiny bit scared when Noi started screaming. Wayo laughed at his boyfriend's reaction and slowly closed his eyes falling asleep. While Wayo was asleep Ming spent the next 13 hours learning how to be a dad and how to take care of his baby boy. 

"I still think he's making a huge mistake. If he gave birth to a demon do you know what will happen to our family?! We'll be an embaressment, how could you call him an angel, son of a High-Angel, when he has a demon son?!" Wayo's father was pissed off having an argument with wife over breakfast in the cafeteria. 

"But there's a chance that Mee Noi will be an angel, so stop worrying. And so what if he's a demon, he's still our grandchild that we will love NO MATTER what happens," Wayo's mother responded. 

"If that baby's a demon, Wayo will be a fallen-angel and will never be allowed back to heaven. Do you want us to lose our son forever?!" The old man asked and Wayo's mom just shook her head. 

"If he becomes a fallen-angel then I'll just move down here to be with him, I don't care about status, I care about my son. If ALL you care about is staus, then go back to heaven and don't speak to us again. Ae and I will stay here and be happy while you stay your stuck-up asshole self up in heaven," This argument was clearly going to be won by Wayo's mother weither the old man liked it or not. 

"At least meet the baby first before you start judging. He's super sweet and happy. Do you really wanna miss out and your first and possibly last grandchild?" She asked and that put some sense into her husband's head. 

"I'll meet him, and I'll be there for the creature test, but if he isn't an angel I'm leaving. If he is an angel then I'll stay and try to accept the fact that our son is dating a demon." The old man said getting up and walking with his wife up to Wayo's room. 

"Ready to find out is Mee-Noi is an angel or a demon? Maybe both?" The Dr. asked as he came back into the room holding a sleeping baby and gently setting him onto Wayo's bare chest. 

"We'll love him no matter what," Ming said and kissed the baby's head, as well as kissing Wayo's cheek. 

"Alright...... Mee-Noi is........



VOTE HERE! is Mee-Noi 

an Angel 👼💙


a Demon 👿🖤


Both 👿🖤👼💙

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