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3rd Person POV.

Wayo, Beam, and Kit were walking around the school during lunch, they were trying to find a place to eat. Kit found Forth and asked if they could all eat lunch together. Of course Forth said yes to the younger. They all sat down and eventually Pha joined them too. 

"Get up," Someone said grabbing Wayo's arm and pulling him away from the table. 

"Yah! I'm trying to eat," Wayo complained but followed Ming anyway.

"Shut up and follow me," Ming said. Wayo immedietly shut his mouth. They walked for a good five minutes before Ming shoved the younger against a wall. 

"This again? Just go get a boyfriend, I don't want to be your toy any more," Wayo said but Ming didn't listen and kissed Wayo anyway. 

Ming was clearly not his 'normal self', he was high. Wayo knew that him and Forth often smoked together, and it always caused Ming to become a bit clingy and forceful with the younger. Which Wayo didn't mind, he just wished that Ming would ask first sometimes. 

They made-out, more Ming doing everything and Wayo just going with it, for about 10 minutes before they pulled away from each other to breathe. 

Ming smiled and kissed Wayo's cheek before grabbing his hand and walking back to everyone.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Wayo asked and stopped walking causing Ming to pull Wayo closer to him; wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist. 

"I just need a distraction from everything, you are my distraction... But, don't tell anyone, please? I just wanna keep this between us. Especially since you're and angel and I'm a demon. I don't want to get us both in trouble with the higher-ups..." Ming said and Wayo nodded.

"Do you like me?" Wayo asked. It was bold to ask but he did. 

"No, I just need someone to hook-up with, I don't wanna find some random stranger. And you're my roommate, no one would notice," Ming said. 

That hurt a bit. 

"Alright, I'll be your "toy" but on one condition. You respect my limits, if I say no you stop, and you need to start being nice to me, you're an asshole and I hate it." Wayo said pushing Ming away from him and starting to walk away. 

Ming grabbed his hand again and pulled him into the alley way in between the canteen and the engineering building. Ming looked down at the younger and Wayo looked up at him confused.

"Deal. But you are NOT allowed to tell anyone about this. It stays between us. Alright?" Ming said and before Wayo good answer he roughly kissed the younger again, pulled away, and then walked back to the table.

Supernatural Love - MingYoWhere stories live. Discover now