10. part two

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3rd Person POV.

"Of course, I'm not leaving you alone with our baby," Ming said making the smaller look up at him. All Wayo saw was love in Ming's eyes.

Wayo just smiled and hugged Ming tightly once he realised what Ming had said. He was so scared that Ming would leave him that he was too scared to say anything at first.  But with Ming being a demon, he could've just easily read the angel's mind. Either way, he was gonna find out eventually, might as well tell him minutes after finding out. 

"What are we gonna tell my parents? Dad hates you, he doesn't even know that you're here," Wayo mumbled laying his head on Ming's chest. He was scared, what would his dad say about this? He knew his mom wouldn't mind, she'd be happy for them.

"We'll tell your mom, and she'll convince your father to let you come back to our house, that way I can take care of both of you, and you can finally get away from your father," Ming said and Wayo blushed but nodded.

"That'll work," Wayo said as he and Ming were falling back asleep. 

+ 4 hours later + 

Wayo and Ming woke up to Ae, Wayo's brother, and Wayo's mother pounding on their door.

"p'Yoyo! Wake up!" Ae yelled and Ming got up to open the door since Wayo wasn't feeling well. 

"What's wrong?" Ming asked as the small boy and the mother rushed into the room closing the door and locking it. 

"He's back, he's a week early." Mother said and Ming went wide-eyed scared. 

"Shit..." Ming was scared.

"Would now be a bad time to bring that up?" Wayo asked sitting up in bed. 

"Yeah, it is babe," Ming said but Mother interfered. 

"A bad time for what?" She asked and looked over at the two. 

"A bad time to tell you that I'm pregnant..." Wayo mumbled hiding behind Ming. 

She was shocked and Ae ran up to Wayo and poked his stomach. 

"Baby!" Ae was very happy to hear about a baby. 

"Shh, keep your voice down, dad can't know about this," Wayo said and covered his little brother's mouth. 

"Grandkids?" Mother asked and MingYo nodded.

"Are you dating?" She asked.

"No," MingYo both said at the same time.

"Not yet..." Wayo said and looked over at Ming. He smiled at the smaller and hugged him. 

"Ae! Wayo! Pring! I'm home!" Wayo's father yelled from downstairs and now everyone is panicking. 

"Ming, hide in the bathroom, Yo hide the test and any evidence that Ming was here, Ae go distract dad, show him your artwork," Mother said before helping Wayo and Ming hide everything. 

Ming then snuck out, went back home, and got some money together to buy himself and Yo (and the baby) an apartment. 

+ The next day +

Wayo was sleeping when his father walked in to talk to him. 

"Wayo. Wake up," His father said putting his hand on his son's shoulder. 

"Hm?" Wayo was half asleep looking up at his father. 

"Pack your bags, you're going back to school. Your mother and I talked about it and I think I can trust you enough to go and do whatever you want. 

"Seriously!?" That woke Wayo up, 

"Yeah, we leave in two hours, hurry up and pack," Father said before leaving the room. 

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