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So long story short my cat waltzed into my room and vomited right before I started this chapter. I think he's trying to say something

After that day, you couldn't wait for Brendon to release his new album. The song he wrote for you was so beautiful, and you wanted everyone to hear it. There was a small selfish part of you that wanted to keep the song all to yourself, but not after what Brendon said when the song was over.

"I worked really hard on this song."

You nodded, smiling, overwhelmed with happiness.

"My goal is to make it the best song I've ever written. That way, when everyone loves it, I can say I made it for you."

It was a small act of him showing everyone how much he cared for you, but it meant everything to you.

So you sat in bed playing on your phone beside Brendon. You didn't start off sleeping beside each other like this, but you would begin to sneak into his room nightly and lay next to him because you "were cold". He bought it at first, but when it became recurring even after he bumped up the heater, he got the message and always let you sleep beside him, no questions asked.

Eventually, you sparked a conversation. "Brendon?"

"Hmm?" He asked, fighting back sleep.

"When do you think we'll get to see Kass and Sam again?"

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Baby, they were just here."

"I know," was all you could reply with.

"You can always move back, you know?" Brendon gazed at you in such a way that almost begged you not to leave him. You admired how despite how obvious it was that he didn't want you to move away, he still gave you the option.

"No, no, I want to stay here." At this point you put down your phone and focused full attention on him.

He smiled and put an arm around your waist. "I know it's hard being so far away from them. They can't move because they're college students, and I can't move because this is where I work. I wish there was a way. I really do."

"Besides," you started, "it might be better this way. It's obvious they like each other, but for some reason I think Sam just can't seem to get past. . . me."

Brendon turned with a quizzical stare. "You mean that he might still have feelings for you?"

You nodded.

He looked at the ceiling as if in thought. "Want me to call Louise?"


"Want me to call Zack?"


"Want me to go down there myself?"

"Definitely not!"

Brendon just shrugged and pulled you tighter.

"I mean, it's not like it's his fault. I just feel bad about it, ya know? It's like I'm hurting both of my closest friends at one time. I'm just some barrier in the middle of them having an actual stable relationship."

"Yeah, I don't know what to say. Maybe it'll die off since you've moved away from him?"

You moved in closer. "That's what I'm hoping, but—" almost if on cue, your phone buzzed with the power of a million suns. You picked it up and showed him the message, already knowing who it was from.

Brendon read it out loud. "'Are you about to go to bed?' Oh, he just sent another one. 'I guess so. Goodnight.' And another one? 'Sweet dreams.'"

You looked at him. "Tonight it's three messages? I'm used to just one. Huh."

"I mean, it sounds like he's just being nice."

"He is. He's super nice. But the last time I saw him I just kinda knew that something was up. And then he started to send me tons of messages a day. I love talking to him, but I'm just worried."

He sighed. "Yeah, I get it." He put your phone on the nightstand and pulled the covers over you. "But it's late, and I think it would do you some good to get some good sleep. I think it's a tricky situation to handle and we can't do it all at once."

You nodded, agreeing, and turned off the lamp next to you. "Good night," you muttered into his chest.

He planted a kiss on your forehead. "Night."

I'm going to scream the smell is putrid. Pardon me while I cry over my cat tainting my carpet. I'll edit this damn chapter later

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