Big Man Sam

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Your visit from Kassidy lasted for what seemed like an eternity.

Probably because she insisted on camping out for eight weeks.

"Sam is still after my ass," she explained, flopping down on the bed in your room.

You fought the urge to say, "In more ways than one." Instead, you simply replied with, "It's not my house. You'll have to ask Brendon."

Kassidy frowned. "He's not the boss of me."

"Kass, I don't think you understand. It's his house."

"Fuck that. Private property doesn't exist. The government is a scam."

Before you could respond, someone burst through the door, panting and sweating.

"That girl is not staying in our house for eight weeks."

"Brendon," you sighed, "you didn't have to run all the way up here."

Nodding, Kassidy glared. "Yeah, perfect hair man. You're not the king of the world. Our only leader is [y/n]. Bow to her, peasant."

Brendon sarcastically bowed before quickly regaining his composure and continued the previous conversation. "The answer is no."

"Aw, please," you joined Kassidy's side. "It will be like a sleepover with my best friend."

Brendon tried his best to maintain his stiff attitude.

"Please? For me?"

But he broke. "Fine, but only because you asked so sweetly."

"Fuck you," Kassidy chimed in.

"Okay, she's leaving right now," Brendon protested.

You shrugged. "Fuck you."

He was about to shoot something back, but then a knock of a door rang throughout the house.

"I'll get it," you winked, avoiding a lecture.

You ran down the stairs as quickly as you could, the only remanence of the two people upstairs being a shout of "You're not my dad, hair man," from Kassidy.

Without thinking, you threw the door open, startling the guest. Quickly you fixed your hair to stay presentable. "Hello, what do you need?"

"Oh, yes. It's good to see you again," you heard a familiar voice say.

When you finally looked up, you saw someone you had been missing for a while.


Immediately, you jumped on him and threw your arms around his neck. He stiffened before finally returning the hug. You pulled back.

"Oh my god, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever," you proclaim.

"Yeah," he says with a smile. It was only slight, and maybe a figment of your imagination, but you thought you saw a shade of pink cross his face.

"Please, come in." You shook off the thought. "What brings you here?"

"I have a bit of," he paused, thinking of the best way to say it, "a pest situation."

You wanted to scold him for referring to Kassidy as a pest, but you knew it would be to no avail. "She's upstairs."

"FUCK!" You heard her yell followed by sounds of items falling and banging onto walls.

He nodded. "I had the smallest intuition."

You led him upstairs and into your room where Brendon was sitting on the bed.

"Ah! My man Sam," Brendon said and gave him a bro hug. Strangely, though, he never stood up.

"What's got you stuck on the bed," Sam asked.

"Trying to make Kassidy suffer," you guessed. "Chances are she's under the bed."

Brendon smiled. "You know me too well."

"I know your cruelty."

All the while, Sam crouched down and craned his neck to search under the bed. Sure enough, he found the girl he was looking for. Not even ten seconds later did you hear her let out a high pitched screech.


You laughed. "I never said you were going anywhere. Your ass is staying here, I just supposed Sam would want to yell at you a bit first."

Brendon's jaw dropped. "[Y/N] YOU TRAITOR." He dropped to sulk on the floor in the middle of everything.

You shook your head. Sam showed a knowing smile.

"Get the snacks, I suppose?"

You looked at him with grateful eyes. "Please."

With that, you walked back down stairs with Sam and sifted through the cabinets.

"Anyway, Sam, you can stay here for a few days. Brendon wouldn't mind, he likes you a lot."

Sam shook his head. "I couldn't do that to you on such short notice. Plus, I have work."

"Aw, come on. Only for a couple days?"

Sam looked nervous.

Finally finding some Cheezits, you closed the cabinet and turned back to Sam. "You might as well. Your Kassidy will be here, too."

"M-My Kassidy?" Sam stuttered.

You realized what came out of your mouth in that moment. "Oh, sorry. I didn't think before I talked."

He shook his head, placing a hand on his face to hide a blush. "No, you're okay."

Smiling, you knew he had a thing for Kassidy. But part of you knew he still liked you.

Ha I've gotten too lazy for authors notes.

But anyway, thanks for reading! Y'all are the best <3

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