Two For The Blood (Eric Northman) Ch.19 "Guess Again."

Start from the beginning

"Dude there is no bun in that oven." I stated and smacked his hand.

Eric paused for a split second and then kissed my neck before we both stood up. "Pam close in an hour." He instructed and we left.


We arrived at a nice little Italian restaurant that wasn't too crowded but plenty of people were there.

Being the gentleman he is, Eric held the door open as we walked inside. Instantly the smell of spices filled my nose and I smiled. It smelt so good! Eric sensed my happiness and smirked down at me.

"I had a feeling you would like it here." He said and lifted my hand to his lips and placed a sweet kiss on my skin.

Eric lead the way to the front where a waiter stood for us. He was a young guy, probably in his early twenties and looked like he was shaking. "G-good evening Mr. N-Northman." He stuttered and I gave him a smile to try and get him to ease up.

Eric nodded and we proceeded to a private table. Everyone in the room looked at us and nodded to Eric.

"Are they nodding to you because you're their sheriff?" I asked quietly as we reached our table.

"Yes, I am their superior." Eric said and pulled out my chair so I could sit.

"Thank you." I smiled and watched as my Viking sat down.

"Would you like anything to drink?" The young scared waiter asked. His hands were shaking as he clutched his pad and pen. Is Eric really that intimidating? This poor kid.

"I would love some water please." I smiled and looked at Eric again.

"No thank you." He said not taking his eyes away from mine. A mischievous grin played across his lips and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What are you smiling at babe?" I grinned back and received a low growl from Eric.

"I'm smiling at you. At your eyes as they light up went you smile. The way your cheeks flush when I look at you, and at the lovely sound of your heart." He explained and I blushed instantly.

"This is so crazy." I giggled and took a sip of my water the waiter just brought.

"Do you need a few more minutes?" The shaking waiter asked.

"Yes, please." I replied and he left Eric and I alone again.

"What's crazy Violet?"

I took a deep breath. "Everything. You and me. I'm an eighteen year old girl who has a thousand year old Viking that is a sheriff for a soul mate. To top it off someone wants me dead, is going to try and suck the world into Hell, and that same person or whatever likes to swap spit with you. Not that I blame her- or me?" I said and made a funny confused face.

"Are you jealous?" Eric asked me with a hint of amusement in his sexy voice.

"No. It was just weird seeing something look like me making out with you." I explained and brought the menu up to cover my face.

I could hear my vampire laugh slightly and I peeked over the top of my menu. "Don't be jealous my Violet. Your lips are the only ones I want to kiss."

"I know." I innocently said and ducked behind my menu again grinning to myself. I love it when he does that.

"I'll show you when we get home." He said huskily and I was glad for the menu covering my face because I was sure it was the color of scarlet.

I put my menu down and winked at Eric. He gave a chuckle and licked his bottom lip. Oh my.

"I'll be right back." I said and began to stand up. Eric's face quickly turned to protective mode. "I'm going to the bathroom and I'll be back in a minute." I assured him.

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