Vamps - Chapter Eight

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Anthony and I walked through the mall, looking for a nice dress for me to wear the next time Adam and I go out for dinner. I've never been the dressy type until Adam and I started dating. Anthony said it's a sense of wanting- no, that's not what he said, - NEEDING, to look beautiful for someone because you know how much they love it. He said he feels that way for Ken. "Didn't you see my new haircut? Pretty sexy right?" He joked. He did get a haircut for Ken, but the lady totally screwed him over. I keep rubbing his head for good luck as a joke, "Rub the bald man's head for good luck!" I teased. She took so much off he looked like he got his head attacked by a lawn mower. "I hope you didn't give her a tip." I said, looking up at it now. "Hell, fuck, god damn, shit no." He growled. I laughed nervously, hoping no one around heard him.

We went into one of his favorite stores; Wet Seal, somewhere I dread going. Everything is over priced and a bit showing for me. "Why do you bring me here no matter how many times I tell you I hate it here?" I asked. He shrugged, "I really don't care what you say, you're trying this...ooh! And this, and this, and these on." He piled dresses, shirts, jeans and heels on me as I walked to the dressing room, picking something up every two feet. "Do you want me to try on that wig on the mannequin too?!" I squealed. He actually thought about it! Then shook his head, "Nah, it's a bob cut, so not sexy." He sent me into the dressing rooms without another word and put on one of the bright yellow fashion scarves, turning to get a full view of himself in the full length mirror. I rolled my eyes and started trying on the pile of clothing. The first dress was a long green dress, bringing out my eyes...and my hips, and my butt, and my thighs, UGH. I threw it off and tried on the next; a short....SHORT pink dress with buckles for straps. Hell no. I hung it up next to the green dress, my DON'T pile, quickly growing as the pile I had to try on got smaller.

"Oh wow..." I gasped as I looked in the mirror. A simple black dress with very slimming effects, a slouched low collar, drooping sleeves that went below my shoulders, a hint of shimmer in certain lighting. It was perfect. "Anthony, you out there still?" I called, not taking my eyes off the pretty girl in the mirror. "Yes, need more options?" He asked from the other side of the door. "No way." I smiled. I walked out, meeting him in the runway of a hall, arms out and posing. "I love it." I grinned. Anthony looked shocked, happy, proud, impressed. "My goodness, I may have to lock you up until you're 40 little missy." He smiled.

When I opened the door to my apartment, sat my purse down and the garment bag in my closet that held the fantastic dress I just dropped 50 bucks on, the phone started ringing instantly. "Hello?" I answered. "I smelled you, so I thought I'd give you a call." I heard the smile in Adam's voice. After three weeks of this, I finally gotten used to this crepper-like call. I smiled too, "Aww shucks," I said in my best Minny impression. He chuckled, "Cute." I plopped on the couch, my feet hurting from all the walking around the damned mall. "So how about you and I pay a little visit to the Red Rose again tonight?" He asked. I grinned, thinking to myself, this all seemed planned out. Like he had secretly told me to buy the dress today. Maybe him and Anthony are in cahoots. I wouldn't be surprised. "That sounds fantastic. I actually just bought a dress." I said happily. "Ooh, this sounds corny but, is it as hot on you as it is on the floor?" I heard the touch of devil's play in his voice. "Adam!" I squealed, still, a broad smile on my blushing face.

Adam picked me up at 8 o'clock, wearing a dress shirt and black pants. I wondered if the dress I had bought was a little too...dressy- for this. The grin on his face and the glint in his eyes when he saw me reassured me that I looked great. "You're gorgeous." He said. I felt my face brighten as he leaned down to kiss me lightly on the lips. When his hands reached for my waist, he pulled me so close there wasn't an inch between us. "I say we skip the restaurant." He chuckled, grazing my chin with his soft lips. I had no words, I was breathless by his greeting still. Skipping the restaurant sounded like a great plan to me. "But that would be very rude of me," He said, pulling away, leaving me in my haze. "And I am nothing if not a gentleman."

I was pretty sure we got the same table we had on our first date, behind the divider in the corner of the room, candle light and a small round table at the booth. Even before the waiter left, Adam couldn't keep his hands to himself. He held me close by the hips, having me practically sit in his lap. He ordered the red wine I liked, even though since we've been dating, I've begun to drink better. Adam's kisses were longer and hardly ever on my lips tonight. He either kissed my jaw, neck, shoulders or collarbone, nibbling a little here and there. It felt nice, but also, strange. Was it because I knew what he was? Or was it because I just didn't like being in public like this? No one can see us Annie, I told myself. I needed to relax and just go with it. I closed my eyes and let his kiss my shoulder, until I felt a tiny prick. "Ouch!" I hissed, putting my hand over my shoulder. I looked at it, noticing a small trickle of blood. I looked at Adam, chocked. "I'm sorry," He said, his voice slurred. His brown eyes were now mostly red, the pupils large and hollow. He looked high off something. "Are you alright Adam?" I asked, more concerned bout him than my bleeding shoulder. He shook his head quickly, trying to snap out of it. "Yes, of course." His eyes returned to normal and he smiled at me. He looked down at my shoulder and looked shocked. "What happened?!" He asked, examining the small nick in my skin. "You don't-...N-nothing." I mumbled.

*~Cool, Ikr? Ok, so, a show of hands please: Who would judge me harshly if I wrote a "KIND OF" sex scene? Mind you- I've never kissed anyone, I've never had sex, I've only read about it in books I didn't know had sex scenes in them haha. It wouldn't be graphic or anything seeing as I'd be too mortified to go into gross detail.~*

Izzy Dagger

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