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                                                                               Austins POV

After Taylor left you got a text from Alex.

"Hey man i got to tell you something your gonna freak." you got worried. "Okay? what?" "um how do i say this well Taylor is cheating on you..." "Um your joking right?" "No man." "WTF!! how do you know??" "Me Zach Robert Tyler and Dave saw her at the beach kissing and hugging a other guy at the beach" "Wow thanks for telling me. "Sorry bro." "Its fine." 

                                                                        Arias POV

You walk into the house and no one is here that's nothing new and you go up stairs in your room and lay on your bed and thinking about what Michele told and you get out of your thoughts with your phone started ringing it was Austin.

"Hello?" "Hey Aria" it sounded like he was crying. "Whats wrong Austin" "Taylor cheated on me." "Oh my god are you okay?" "No could you come back over i need you right now." "Yeah Austin I'm on my way."

                                                                                Austins POV

Arias coming back over and i cant believe Taylor cheated on me. Everything I did for that bitch and she is going to do that to me. I'm going to have Aria help break us up because I know she don't like Taylor.

                                                                        Arias POV

I cant believe that bitch did that to him he is so caring and someone he really cared about i have a few words to say to her.

You show up at Austins you jump out of the car and ran up to the door and Austin opens it and his eyes are red and puff.

"Austin are you okay?" he doesn't say a word just fells in your arms and starts to cry.

"Hey now." you say "Everything will be okay." he lays his head on your lap and you start to rub his hair to clam him down. "Austin let me see your phone" "Why?" he got worried. "Just let me see it." he hands you his phone. 

You send a text to Taylor. 

"Hey Taylor I'm done with the lying and cheating you played me for months and i had to find out the hard way I just cant believe you anymore Taylor you had break promises and was unloyal to me and I'm hurt beyond repair just everything I did for you and this how you repay me I'm sorry I'm done lose my number know what lose everything i don't want no more contract with you goodbye i never wanna hear from you again."

I'm soo sorry it took me forever to update! :( i have been so busy im working on Ch5 (: 

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