The Prophecy is Fulfilled

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Skye's P.O.V.

I sat up. I was still in a lot of pain but I was alive. I looked round at the circle of worried faces above me, tears tracked down every one's cheeks. There was someone missing. 'Where's Nico?' I asked slowly, hoping against hope that he was only minimally injured or even just having a nap, but my hopes were dashed when Annabeth gave a gulping sob and Percy pulled her close, tears dripping down his nose.

I stood up quickly, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in my side and the wave of dizziness that overcame me. When the flashing lights had gone from in front of my eyes I staggered over to where a body lay. Some one, I assumed Percy, had covered him with a large black shroud. On it was a silver helmet.

'It's a death shroud with Hades' emblem of power.' Percy explained softly from his place next to Annabeth. 'Hermione conjured it up for us.'

'No,' I whispered, tears begining to flood down my face.

'Skye, I-'

'NO!' I screamed, grief making my voice hoarse. 'No, no, no, no, NO'

I sucked in my breath in shock for on the last 'no' a voice that wasn't my own had echoed through out the warehouse. I span around and through my tears I saw a man storming towards me. I wasn't sure if I was halucinating but he seemed about eight foot tall and I could feel the deadly power he radiated. As he loomed closer I could see his features more clearly. He had albino white skin and shoulder legnth jet black hair. He was dressed in black silk robes which billowed as he strode gracefully across the hall. When he passed Percy and Annabeth the two demigods bowed low and I finally understood. This was Hades, Lord of the dead, Nico's father. 

And as he drew even closer I saw that his face was covered in tears. Ignoring me completely the god picked up his son's body and let out an ear ripping howl of pure, unadulterated grief. The sound made me want to curl up and cry for ever, never had I heard such a sound of loss.

'Who did this?' screamed the god. 'Who do I kill in vengence for my son?'

He turned on me, his eyes glowing black with power, and I stood rigid in fear.

'Please My Lord,' Percy called timidly, drawing the god's attention to himself. 'Skye was dying and Nico sacrificed himself for her. He loved her, Sir. It's not her fault.'

'It's Greyback's fault.' I shrieked.

'Where is this Greyback?' Hades bellowed, happy to have someone to blame.

'He's dead.' I replied quietly. 'Nico killed him.'

Hades looked down at the body in his arms and suddenly something triggered in my brain and the words of the prophecy seemed to swim in my head.

To be saved or lost to the arms of death

Death was Hades, Nico was in Hades' arms. Hades could save Nico.

'Lord Hades,' I said, more bravely than I felt, but boosted by my fierce joy at the chance of getting Nico back. I quailed when I came once again under Hades' glare but continued nevertheless.

'The prophecy said that Nico would be lost or saved by the arms of death. You are Death, you can save him.'

This statement caused the room to fall silent and I watched as Hades thought hard, seemingly coming to a conclusion, muttering 'that might work...'

'You have to try.' I whispered, looking up at him. I had the feeling that he was looking straight through me into my soul.

'You should have died tonight, Skye Jackson.' The words made me shudder but then Hades spoke again. 'My son saved you and gave his life for yours. He died a hero's death, but it was not his time. I could and should swap your souls around, which would correct the balance, but I fear that Nico would never forgive me, and that is the one price I cannot afford to pay.' I held my breath and listened in silence as Hades said, 'The only way to keep the balance of mortal souls correct is to stop Nico di Angelo from living or,' he paused, 'to make him immortal.'

Without a moments thought I yelled, 'DO IT!'

Hades nodded and began to glow white. Just in time Percy screamed out, 'Cover your eyes.'

I dropped to the ground, my hands over my eyes and did not open them until I heard a soft voice say, 'Open your eyes Skye, it's safe now.'

I looked up and threw myself into Nico's waiting arms. I felt something wet drip onto my head and realised that Nico was crying. 'I love you.' I heard him say and I replied, 'I love you too.'

I clung to him until I heard Hades' voice again. I stepped away from Nico and we both turned to face the god. 'Nico,' Hades said smiling. 'You are now an immortal, similar to the Hunters of Artemis. You will not age, but you can choose to change your physical appearance. You are now welcome on Mount Olympus at any time but remember,' and here his booming voice adopted a more fatherly tone, 'You will always have a home in the underworld with me.'

Nico smiled as his eyes twinkled with a godly power. He seemed to radiate light and he said, 'father, I cannot thank you enough. You have allowed me another chance at life with the girl I love. I may be immortal, but we will work out a way to be together. Thank you.'

Hades straightened up, gave Percy a glare for old time's sake which made Nico laugh, and walked away, seeming to melt into the shadows. I placed my arms around Nico and held him tight, never wanting to let go.

But then, in the midst of all the happiness, I heard a sob. I turned round to see Hermione leaning over something. With an uncomfortable feeling in my gut I walked over and gasped when I saw the body of Anton creevey.

'I'm so sorry, I couldn't get him out in time, and poor Dennis, both his brothers...' Hermione sobbed. I turned around to face Nico and to my shock he was smiling. 'I have an idea,' he whispered in my ear. 'Be right back.'

And with that he ran off into the shadows in the place where his father had disappeared only moments before.

Nico's P.O.V.

I reappeared next to Skye, making her jump and then ran over to Anton's body. I had checked with my father whether what I was about to do was okay and he had given me the go ahead. I though it was a stroke of genius, even if I do say so myself. I placed my hand on Anton's head and ignored the shocked gasps as he began to glow. I poured life energy into him and when I was about to collapse I tore my hand away. I sat panting and then heard a delighted shriek from Hermione. I guess my plan worked.

'Would you like to explain what just happened?' Skye asked, hands on hips, but beaming all the same.

'Well,' I explained, 'I put the immortal energy my father granted me with into Anton. This way it's effectively halved so if it worked properly we should both be mortal now, and alive!' I beamed, expecting Skye to do the same. I was not however expecting the disappointed look she gave me.

'W-what?' I asked, nervously.

'Does that mean you can't change your physical appearance into someone with huge muscles now?' she asked, pouting.

'I do have huge muscles,' I scowled, blushing while Skye laughed, along with everyone else, including the newly alive Anton, who didn't really know what was going on but was happy to join in the mocking.

'Well at least now we won't have to worry about you growing old without me,' I humphed. That got Skye's attention and she wrapped her arms around me, making me smile despite myself.

'I was only joking,' she laughed. 'I'm overjoyed and I know you have big muscles.' She winked at me and I flushed.

'Oi' yelled Ron, ruining the moment. 'Keep it PG you guys, there are young eyes and ears here.'

I ignored him and kissed Skye passionately, only vaguely hearing Anton's laugh as Ron covered his eyes. Skye and I were together again and all our friends were safe. Greyback was dead and everything seemed perfect.


You guys didn't really think I was going to kill Nico did you?!? He's like the best character ever!!! Anyways, there is a bit more to come so keep an eye out and don't forget to vote and comment :D thank for reading!

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