Cannon Balls and Books

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Percy's P.O.V.

I sat up in bed and yawned, stretching. Last night had sure been...interesting. Harry's dream had kinda freaked me out. Don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to bad dreams, but I don't usually go running around, battling thin air. I suppose he had had a rough time though. I got changed and strolled outside, to see the wizards chatting, stretched out on the bank by the lake. Deciding that they looked way too relaxed, I ran towards them yelling, before cannon-balling into the water. The girls shrieked, whilst the guys yelled in shock as they were splashed. I surfaced, laughing so hard that I would have drowned if I couldn't breathe under water. I jumped back onto the grass, smiring at their expressions. I caught Ron whispering something to Harry, but before I could turn around, I had been hoisted into the air by my ankle.

I thrashed around blindly , as my t-shirt had fallen into my face. I pushed it up to see the guys and Annabeth rolling around in hysterics. Oh great, I look cool yet again in front of Annabeth. When did she get here? 'Let me down', I growled, the menacing effect ruined by the fact that all the blood had rushed to my head, causing me to turn redder than Ginny had last night.

Harry managed to stop laughing and stood up, twirling his wand in his fingers whilst shaking the water out of his hair. 'Well,' he said, smirking, 'It's more fun to see you struggling upside down...' He pocketed his wand and grinned evilly at me. 'I'll get you Potter', I growled through gritted teeth.

'Oh yeah Jackson? I'd like to see you try. We Brits have got some serious moves'. He glanced at Ron when he said the word 'serious'. Ron laughed but I didn't get the joke. Anyway, this would show them. I felt the familiar tugging sensation in my gut, laughing at the looks on their faces when half the lake fell on top of them. Spluttering like a fish, Harry waved his wand and let me down. I whooped, dancing around the sopping wizards, 'Godly powers win again!' I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned atround, stopping dead. Annabeth stood behind me, drenched. Uh oh, I probably should have tried to stop her getting wet. I weakly held up my hands in the surrender position but Annabeth stepped forwards menacingly. 'Oh you are dead, kelp-head' she grinned. I backed away quickly, looking at Skye for help, but she just shook her head, laughing.

'Percy' called a voice. I turned around and saw Chiron walking towards me. 'Save me!' I yelled, running towards him. He took one glance at Annabeth and chuckled. 'Your mother is here. She wants to see you.'

Suddenly my face fell. Mom was usually only at camp if something bad had happened. 'What's wrong?' I asked hurridley.

Chiron smiled 'Don't worry Percy, nothing's wrong.' I sighed in relief, as Chiron continued. 'She just has some news for you'. I headed off towards the big house but Harry called my name. 'Hey, can we meet your mum too?'

'Sure,' I replied, 'but you might want to dry off first'.

'Covered', said Hermione, pulling out her wand. She blasted a jet of hot air at everyone and their hair and clothes dried imediately. Boy, magic was cool. We trooped off to the house. As I entered the room, I was envelpoed by her flowery scent. 'Hi Percy' she greeted me. 'Guess what. You know I was taking writing lessons with Paul? Well I just got my first book published!' I grinned, this was what she had always wanted. She continued 'I think this calls for a special celebnration'. She pulled a tin from behind her back and opened it. It was full of blue chocolate brownies. AWESOME!!! She hugged Annabeth and then I stepped aside to introduce her to the guys.

'Mom, this is Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger and Skye Jackson.' She greeted them all but when I got to Skye she faltered. She looked at Skye and swayed slightly on the spot, before falling hard into a chair. 'What's wrong?' I asked urgerntly, but she said nothing. She only pointed at Skye with a shaking hand, all colour gone from her face.


AN: Ohh, cliff hanger!! Please dont hate me :0 Don't forget to comment/fan/vote. Thanking you :D xxx

Half-blood is thicker than magic? (A percy jackson/harry potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now