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Percy's P.O.V.

I saw Annabeth storming over. I could have hit myself. I knew she'd be angry at not being told about new people in camp, she always liked to be on top these things. 'What in Tarturus is that?!' She asked, pointing at the stag Harry had conjured, which promptly faded. I could have laughed at the look on Harry's face. He looked terrified of Annabeth, although to be honest I had to agree with him. She looked quite mad.

'Hey Annabeth' I greeted her, raising my hand slightly. 'This is Skye, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione'. When Annabeth saw the slightly wary looks on the guys' faces she got herself under control and smiled at them. They seemed to relax a bit and the girls smiled back at her. 'Will someone please explain to me what that was?' she asked cautiously, almost like she didn't want to know the answer. Actually now I thought about it, I wasn't too sure what it was either. I looked at Harry and he explained, 'Its a Patronus. They're visual representations of your happiest memory and act like guards against dark creatures like dementors. You can also use them to send messages to others'.

'Wait so was that?' Annabeth looked at the guys curiously.

'Magic? Yeah' Ron nodded. 'We're magici-' He stopped at a glare from Skye. 'I mean we're witches and wizards'. He said, trying to stop himself laughing and failing. Annabeth looked at them thoughtfully, processing what she had been told and studiously ignoring Ron's muffled snorts.

'Cool', she grinned and they guys smiled. 'So why are you here?' she asked Hermione.

'Well we were having a holiday after the battle of Hogwarts, long story,' she said quickly as Annabeth opened her mouth, 'We'll tell you later. So a few of the guys who were against us in the battle escaped afterwards and decided to come back to take revenge on us for killing their leader, especially on Harry. We started to fight and in an attempt to get away Skye brought us here'. She looked at Skye who simply shrugged and said 'fields'. Hermione rolled her eyes but smiled. Ron took over 'Hermione then got knocked unconcious and we stupefied the others. Harry sent his patronus to the ministry of magic and they were just taking the guys who attacked us away when Percy arrived.'

Annabeth nodded and then looked at them critically. 'I have a question. Other than wanting to know about this battle which you can explain after, I was wondering why everyone apart from Skye is in their pyjamas?'

Everyone glanced down and Ron went so red that he would have given a tomato a run for it's money. Skye was practically dying from laughter and Harry scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 'I guess we ran out to help Skye so quickly that we forgot to get changed'. Annabeth giggled and said 'why doesn't Skye stay here and you lot go back to your house and get changed and then come back'. Everyone agreed and apparated back to the house whilst I headed over to the large farm house with Chiron Percy and Annabeth.


Hiya. I was thinking about if the wizards should tell the whole camp their story or if they should keep it between Chiron Percy and Annabeth? Opinions please. Comment/vote/fan please xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Half-blood is thicker than magic? (A percy jackson/harry potter fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora