Party Time

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Percy's P.O.V.

The next day was a rush of activity. We had to prepare for Harry's party without him realising. Annabeth and I felt like we were getting in the way and intruding on their family, but Mrs. Weasley treated us just like her children and we were soon feeling comfortable. Mr. Weasley had also started plaging us with questions about how mortal things worked ever since he had found out that we lived with what wizards called 'muggles', or non-magical people.

We went into Diagon Alley again to buy supplies for the party and we took it in turns to distract Harry whilst the others got what they needed. After a couple of hours, he was starting to get suspicious, so we put everything into a small bead bag that Hermione had enchanted to fit everything in, and then apparated back to the Burrow.

When we got back, Mrs. Weasley cornered Harry and asked him to help her make some sandwiches, which we would then use for the party, even though he didn't know it. Whilst he was busy, everyone else ran outside into a field that the Weasley's owned and started to decorate it. Annabeth and I blew up balloons, whilst the other wizards created ornate red and gold decorations with their wands, which I now knew were the colours of their school house. When the place was looking good, Mrs. Weasley brought out a large tray of cakes and sandwiches. Behind her bobbed several bowls of crisps and other snacks, which she had enchanted to follow her through midair.

'Harry's coming' she called to us. 'I asked him to put some things away upstairs and then to meet me outside in the field.'

We hurridley placed all of his presents on a table with the food in the middle of the field. Annabeth and I had got him something earlier, and then we ran to hide behind the trees skirting the field. And not a second too soon, because just then Harry walked out from the house. When he saw the pile of gifts he looked extremely confused and called out, 'Mrs. Weasley, are you here?'

Suddenly, we all jumped out from behind the trees and yelled 'Surprise!' 

Harry's face was priceless. He looked so shocked he might faint. 'Wow' he said in a small voice and I got the feeling that he didn't have parties like this very much.

'Come on mate' called Ron, as he dragged Harry over to the table, which was piled high with food and presents. 'We already gave you ours, but these are from the rest of the family and Percy and Annabeth'.

Harry beamed with pleasure and Mrs. Weasley said 'You didn't think we'd forgotten your birthday did you?' Harry turned red and mumbled something, which was covered up by Mrs. Weasley's following hug.

'We wouldn't forget your birthday!' said Charlie grinning.

'What kind of family do you think we are?' added Bill. At this Harry's smile got so wide, I thought his face might actually split in two.

'Now open your presents' Ron said in an exasperated tone, making everyone laugh.

'This one's from Fleur and I' said Bill. His wife, who was tall, slender and beautiful, handed Harry a gift wrapped in gold paper. Harry carefully opened the package, revealing a pair of thick leather gloves.

'Seeker's gloves' explained Bill. 'We thought you might need a slightly larger pair, if Ginny lets you back on the team that is.'

Ginny raised her eyebrows 'We'll see'.

'They also 'ave your name on the back' said Fleur, with a throaty french accent. Harry thanked them and turned to his next present.

'Thats from me' said Charlie, gesturing to the oddly flat gift. Harry opened it and then looked at Charlie, puzzled.

Charlie smirked, 'It's a temporary Hungarian Horntail Tattoo, to match the one of the Hippogriff on your chest that Ginny told us about.' Both Harry and Ginny turned bright red and Harry hurridley thanked Charlie, who was roaring with laughter, and opened Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's present. It turned out to be a hand knitted sweater, with a broomstick embroidered on the front. They had also got him a large box of some kind of sweets called Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. They looked like normal jelly beans to me, but I decided to ask Harry about them later. 

'Happy Birthday Harry' said Percy Weasley in a solemn voice, handing Harry what seemed to be a purple booklet.

Harry took it uncertainly and read the title outloud 'A Ministry Approved Guide to Defensive Spells and Enchantments. Umm thanks Percy'. Then Percy and his girlfriend Penelope started laughing. 'You didn't really think that was your present did you?' he spluttered. By this point George, Charlie and Bill were laughing too and Mr. Weasley and Ron were grinning.

'Really Percy, if you wanted to pull a joke that wasn't really the most sensitive thing to do' started Mrs. Weasley, but Harry stopped her. 'It's alright really' he asid at her disbelieving look 'I'm not offended.' He then took his real present from Percy, which was wrapped in stripy gold and red papr and turned out to be a seat you could attatch to your broom to make long journeys more comfortable. George gave Harry a large bag of things from his shop and finally it was time for mine and Annabeth's gift.

'We weren't sure what to get you Harry, So we hope you like it' Annabth said nervously.

Harry opened our present and chuckled. 'This will keep me going for a long time' he said. 'thank you'.

We had gone into a sweet shop called Honeydukes, which, according to Ron, was branching out from its original store in a place called Hogsmead. It was the most amazing shop and sold every kind of candy that you could ever want. In the end, we had gotten Harry a hamper that had a little bit of almost everything in the shop.

'Time to eat' called Mrs. Weasley, as ron's stomach gave a large growl, making Hermione laugh. All the guys whooped and headed over to the piles of food. It was starting to get dark, so Hermione said a short spell which caused lamps to shoot out of her wand and drape themselves over the trees. On closer inspection, they turned out to be small glowing golden ball with wings, which were, as Ron had explained to me earlier, snitches. After we had eaten, George let off some fireworks that he had made himself, and we watched in awe as they spelt out HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY in the sky. I sighed, Harry was so lucky to have such amazing friends. Feeling full and Happy, we trooped back into the house and Harry, Ron and I climbed up th stairs to the small, vividly orange, room that we were sharing. I fell asleep quickly and didn't dream at all, which must have been a first for me.


AN: Hiya, just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who is commenting and voting, you are keeping me motivated to keep writing so please dont stop! :) How about 70 votes before the next chapter? If not, I'll probably uplaod anyway, but I'm not sure how long I'll take :D Peace out Percy jackson and Harry Potter lovers xx Its gunna be Totally Awesome!

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