Teenagers and swords. A good mix?

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Skye's P.O.V.

I sat at a table in the big house waiting for the others to get back. I felt a bit uncomfortable, as Percy was staring at me and Annabeth had fixed me with a calculating gaze. I started to fidget and Chiron noticed my discomfort. 'Are you all right?'

'Yeah' I nodded, I didn't want him to think I was nervous, even though I kinda was.

'Will you tell us about the battle you mentioned earlier?', Percy looked eager but I shook my head. 'I think we should wait until the others get back, as they know a bit more about it than I do'. Percy looked at me curiously but I didn't reply. Whilst the 'Golden Trio', as everyone called them, were out hunting horcruxes, I ,along with Ginny, was back at Hogwarts. The school year and following battle were some of the worst experiences of my life and I wanted the others there to help me, in case I felt like I couldn't say any more. I didn't really feel like explaining this to Percy, so I just ignored him and rested my head on the table.

'Um, Skye, anyone?' I jumped up at the sound of Harry's voice and ran outside, followed by Percy, Annabeth and Chiron. The sight that met my eyes was actually quite funny, but the guys looked so apprehensive that I held back my laugh. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny, now fully dressed, were surrounded by a group of curious and slightly suspicious teenagers. Oh yeah, did I mention that they were all holding swords?

'Chiron',said a huge girl with straggely, brown hair in a bandanna, 'Who are they?'

'Clarisse, put your sword away'. He sighed. 'And the rest of you!' He yelled to the crowd. Everyone reluctantly sheathed their weapons, but continued to stare at us suspiciously. Chiron looked at us and said, 'Maybe now would be a good time to explain everything'. I raised my eyebrows but Harry nodded resignedly.

'Well we know about them' he reasoned when he saw my face. 'So why not?'

I sighed in agreement, as Chiron called to the campers, 'Everyone go to the campfire and we will explain everything.' He looked at us for confirmation and we nodded.

Everyone trooped over to a huge campfire, even though it was still morning, and sat down on the logs surrounding it. I gasped as the flames soared high in the air and changed colour. I heard Hermione muttering under her breath furiously 'It must be enchanted to reflect the emotions of the campers...'. Trust Hermione to know everything. Ron, who was obviously thinking the same thing, grinned at me.

We stood in front of the campers, who were sitting in a semi-circle. Only Chiron was standing with us, as Annabeth and Percy had slipped back into the crowd. Chiron blew a shell and called for silence and the whole camp was silent at once, which was kind of spooky. He nodded to Harry, who stepped forward and began to talk.

He explained that we were wizards and about Hogwarts. I noticed that he didn't really talk about how the Dursleys treated him but then I realised. He didn't want these kids' pity, he wanted their friendship and acceptance. Ron then took over, explaining about our first year. I laughed when he said about the troll boogers. Ginny then talked about our second year, with us giving any extra details that she'd missed out. Hermione took the third year and I the fouth, before Ron told them about our fifth and Harry finished with our sixth year. I noticed that he tensed up really bad when he talked about Dumbledore's death, and when Ron talked about Sirius. Whilst Ron had been talking I could make out the white scars on the back of his clenched fist, 'I must not tell lies'. I felt so sorry for him, even though I knew he wouldn't want me to. He's had to deal with so much more than the rest of us and he still acted like a leader, taking control when no-one else knew what to do. I admire his stregnth so much. 

By this point all of the kids were looking us with mixed expressions of awe and shock. Well , I can't actually call them kids seeing as they're mostly our age, but never mind. Harry, Ron and Hermione were looking at me and Ginny and I realised that they wanted us to explain what happened at Hogwarts next, seeing as they didn't go back. I sighed. This was one bit of my past that I really did not want to revisit. I explained to the campers how we headed back to Hogwarts without Ron, Harry and Hermione and that it had been taken over by death eaters and turned into a school for the dark arts. I described it as well as I could but when I got to talking about the DA and all the kids that were tortured my throat blocked up and Ginny had to carry on. She said how we managed to last out under Snape's control and keep up everyones hope by resisting the death eaters. She finally got to the bit when Harry, Ron and Hermione turned up in the room of requirement and turned to them. They began to explain what they had been doing whilst we were at school and I tuned out for a bit, as I had heard the story several times before.

They explained up to the start of the battle and fell quiet, unsure of how to continue. In the awkward silence that followed, my stomach gave the largest growl ever heard among man-kind. I caught Ginny's eye and we collapsed laughing whilst everyone stared at us weirdly. Hermione wiped a tear of laughter from her eye and panted 'that was better than Awkward Turtle!' I looked at her puzzled until she shrugged. 'Muggle thing' she explained. I nodded and turned to Chiron trying to get a hold over my giggling, whilst Ron had shoved his fist in his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

'Do you mind if we break for lunch?' I asked, grinning. He nodded smiling kindly. 'Of course' he said, whilst the campers groaned. They were so engrossed by our story. Harry let out a bark like laugh. He reminded me of Sirius so much sometimes, and Chiron lead us over to an open air pavilion that smelled of food. Nom Nom.


AN: Wow, so that felt really long but I hope you enjoyed it! Please comments and vote :)

p.s. I love the word Nom, isnt it cool! no? well your loss. :P Comment if you think nom is awesome :)

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