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Seth wakes up extra early, feeling better than he had felt in a long time. He checked his phone to see four messages.

From Vince:
You're needed for the HHH meeting at nine.

From Deano 😎:
I know you're not over Sasha 😏 let's play wedding crasher

From Hunter💥:
I need your support in today's meeting. I know you'll never steer me wrong.

From Unknown:
Are you Seth Rollins?

Seth raised an eyebrow at the last message debating to answer or not. He decided against it and got dressed and headed to his work place. Today was gonna be a good day and he knew it.


There all four of them sat. Hunter, Seth, Vince and Finn. It was time for Hunter to sign the papers to go on tour with Dave. Seth knew it was wrong and the guilt was eating him alive. Hunter was nothing but good to him, who was be to take a couple millions from this mans paycheck. "Seth, go get the champagne, this calls for a celebration" Vince instructs and Seth can only pray than nothing important would happen while he nipped out.

He arrived shortly with a bottle and a couple cups. "Hunter are you ready?" Vince asked as Seth poured the cups. He nodded as he picked up his pen. Seth gulped down hard before speaking. "Don't sign it!" He yelled making Vince scoff. "What are you doing?" He yelled at Seth before Seth rolled his eyes. "Hunter, I respect you way to much to let this happen to you. I thought it was a tour by yourself, but it's with Dave Batista and you'll lose five million dollars out of your seven, so more than half. Trust me, the profit isn't worth it" Seth explains as Hunter sighs deeply.

"Seth, you just jeopardized the companies profit. You do realize that, that can get you fired?" Vince asks with a stern voice. "Whatever, I quit anyways. This place is hell, Hunter get out while you can because this place is like a black hole" He jokes making Finn snicker. "I'm done being treated like a God and letting my clients eat shit! I should let them know about every little thing you've done. About all the money you made them lose, then we'll see how much profit you'll lose, you fucking loser" Seth scoffs as he picks up his bags and leaves. He runs down the stairs and only then does he feel free. It feels like he has control of his own life. He gets into his uber with a smile. Seth finally feels like himself, he still has a whole in his heart though. He couldn't stand the fact that he can't call Sasha and tell her about his day. It was what he was used to. Before he could stop himself, he found himself dialling her number.


He quickly hung up the phone. She sounded sad, miserable even. Almost as if she was crying prior to the call. He sighed deeply before the uber stopped infront of his house. After today, Seth was a new man, the man he has always wanted to be.

Seth Rollins.

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