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"tae, get a look at this!" jimin yelled, closing the front door, walking back to couch.

"what is it now you loud potato," taehyung asked rolling his eyes, annoyed as he leaned back against the soft leather couch.

"there's a letter addressed to you," quickly snapping his head up, he rushed close to his friend.

"give it!" he yelled swatting his friends hands off the letter and grabbing it for himself as he sat back down to his original spot, opening the letter he took a drop breath.

"sis if you're thinking bout reading that without me, you are dead wrong sister," jimin sassily replied, shaking his head in a smooth pattern, pointing his pointer finger up in air swinging it back and forth to make his point.

shuffling towards his friend on the couch, he urged him on to read the letter.

dear my beloved taehyung,

hello love, i know this seems a bit weird to be sending you a letter instead of doing this in person but, hi :)

you probably don't even know of my existence but i've always come to admire you every day, since the day i laid my eyes on your angelic being.

somehow as the seconds, hours, days, years went on i've come to slowly fall in love with yo-

"eek that's so flipping cute," jimin squealed in delight reading the overwhelming confession letter, over taehyung's shoulder.

"quit disrupting chim, i swear you're like an alarming siren." earning a slap from his friend, he shrugged it off and continued to read on to where he stopped.

-u and i don't think i'll be able to stop my feelings that i have for you anytime soon.

but enough of my sappy feelings, how are you? are you eating alright? how was your day? i hope everything's going alright for you beautiful.

i have to go now since i'll be late for class, but i'll see you around my love.

~ j.

"you see, i can't relate to any of that," jimin sighed, pouting as he laid his head back on the couch.

meanwhile taehyung couldn't stop himself from smiling so fondly at the letter between his fingertips.

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