Chapter sixteen

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"He.. He is?" Hinata stuttered.
"Yeah" sasuke smiled "I figured you could go visit him today"
"What will you do?" She asked.
"Umm... Sleep" sasuke smiled "go get dressed"
"B..but-" she started and he gently pushed her into the bedroom.
"Now dork" he smiled and closed the door, giving her privacy. Sasuke walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter. I have so many people against me, sasuke thought, kiba hates me, sai isn't exactly fond of me, and neji... Well that guy probably hates my guts.
Sasuke sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
I feel like one of those bad guys in a tv show that half of the world can't wait to watch die, he thought, I'm just a-.
"Sasuke?" Hinata interrupted his thoughts.
"Hmm?" He looked at her. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a hoodie. Her black hair was pulled into a messy bun and she was wearing his favourite thing. A smile.
"Are you okay?" She smiled and sasuke got off the counter and approached her.
"You look so beautiful" he smiled and hugged her close. She turned red and hugged him back.
"S..sasuke I-" she started and he shushed her.
"Before you go I just want you to know something" he kissed her forehead.
"What's on your mind?" She smiled.
"You make me feel like I'm not a monster" he smiled "you make me feel like I have something worth living for, and please don't leave me with these idiots"
"Idiots?" She blushed
"Yeah itachi, naruto, Sakura" he smiled "you keep me sane"
"I do?" She blushed.
"Yeah, now go see your cousin" he smiled and gently pushed her to the door.
"Your so pushy" she laughed and kissed his cheek "I'll see you when I get back"
"Yeah okay" he smiled and she walked out the door. Sasuke walked to the couch and sat down. He slumped and buried his face in his hands.
What if she finally takes the hint and dumps me? He sighed and racked his brain for an idea.
"Umm.." He muttered then his eyes lit up. We could take a trip, like a honeymoon but... For dating or something. Just to get her out of the influence from other people who hate me, he thought.
He walked to his study and locked the door. Maybe she would like it, he smiled.
She hurriedly walked to the hospital and asked a nurse to see neji.
"You've been around here a lot lately, is everything okay?" The nurse asked eyeing hinata's bandages.
"I just really need to see neji"
"Of course" the nurse smiled "room 228"
Hinata walked to the room and saw neji talking with tenten. He looked at hinata and smiled.
"Hey, how's life been treating you?" Neji asked.
"You've been gone for two years and that's all you can say?" She smiled and hugged him tight "I missed you so much"
"I missed you too hinata" he smiled and held her close.
"I got a boyfriend now" she smiles and he raised his eyebrow. My little hinata got a boyfriend, he thought, who is this joker.
"It's sasuke uchiha" she smiles and neji looked at her.
"Call it off, no way in hell are you going to stoop that low"
"No, I really like him" she smiled.
"He is probably using you and when he hurts you I'll crush every bone in his body"
"Neji please" hinata looked at him "he makes me happy"
"Fine you can stay with him, but the moment he hurts you I'll kill him" he growled and hinata kissed his cheek.
"I'll be fine, he isn't going to hurt me" hinata smiled.
"Suuuure" he sighed. She heard the sound of footsteps running towards her.
"Hinata!" She turned to she Shino gasping for air "it's kiba, he tried to kill himself"
Every ounce of blood drained out of her body as she stared at shino's worried face.

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