Chapter 13

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"Hey" naruto approached kiba.
"Oh hey naruto, how is hinata?" He looked at him.
"She.. Well she is fighting for her life right now" naruto sighed "her stitches ripped and she's bleeding out"
"What?!" Kiba looked at the blonde "will she make it?"
"I don't know kiba" naruto looked at him "you okay?" Kiba looked at the ground and gripped his fists.
"I need to tell her.." He whispers and started running to the hospital. Tears slipped down his tan cheeks. I was always there, he thought, every smile she made, every tear she cried, every laugh she gave, every second of every day. Kiba wiped his eyes with his sleeve and shoved the hospital door open.
"Where is Hinata Hyuuga?" He asked a nurse. She checked a notebook she was holding.
"Room 316"
"Thanks" he speed walked to the room and opened her door. He saw the uchiha sitting by her bed and gently holding her hand. His eyes were puffy and red, he's been crying. So has hinata.
"Hinata I know you told me to leave you alone but I can't" kiba looked at her.
"Kiba just leave" sasuke said.
"No, hinata I have been your best friend since we were put on that damn team, I helped you when it was storming, I helped you when sasuke left and you went into a depression, I was there everytime you needed me" tears slipped down his cheeks "but yet you won't... Hinata I love you"
"Wh..what?" Hinata asked.
"I always have, I saw you in a kimono on the Japanese summer festival when we were kids and I just fell in love, you were so sweet and innocent and you haven't changed a bit"
"Kiba I-" hinata started.
"Sasuke only recently fell in love with you, he knows nothing about you" kiba wiped his face "I don't want you to have to choose between me and sasuke but I thought you should know"
"Kiba I-" Hinata started and kiba walked out the room, tears streaming down his face.
"I should have known" she laid her head down and sasuke kissed her hand.
"I'm sorry I left konaha" he looked at her "but I love you with all my heart, when I saw you sleeping in my bed on that first night that's when I knew I needed you"
"I wanted to revive my clan with you, marry you, wake up next to you, take care of you when your sick" he smiled "when I'm with you I feel like I really have a family, you make me happier than I've ever been"
"I do?" She asked and smiled weakly.
"Yeah so please don't leave me" he gently hugged her "not now"
", what did the doctor tell you" she looked at him and a few tears slipped down his cheeks.
"It's nothing important" he lied.
"Sasuke tell me"
"There is a small chance you'll survive this" sasuke looked at the ground.
"Hey don't worry about me" she smiled "I'm a big girl, I tie my own shoes and everything"
"I can't not worry about you, your my everything and without you I have nothing" sasuke stroked her cheek "get some sleep okay? I love you"
"I love you too" she smiled "forever and always I'll be yours" her eyelids gently fell and he heard her breathing softly. He studied her face, her cheeks looked sunken in and she lost a lot of weight. She can't eat solid foods and she lost a lot of blood.
"Please pull through this" he kissed her forehead "please god don't take her" he smiled a little "even if she is an angel"
Sasuke stroked her hair and his phone went of noisily. He looked at the text quickly.
"Meet me at your house
"Who is this?" Sasuke texted back.
"An old friend
Sasuke kissed hinata's forehead gently and walked out the hospital room.
Can't hurt to see who this is... Right? He thought to himself, what if it's someone who can save hinata.
What if it's him?
What if he came back.

{sorry for the really late chapter 😅}

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