Chapter 14

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Sasuke approached his house and saw a man sitting on the steps. He had long black hair and a cloak that covered his entire person and most of his face. Sasuke looked at him.

"Who are you?" The man looked at sasuke and pulled off the hood of the cloak. Sasuke's eyes widened.

"Itachi?! What the hell? After all this time you just now decide to show up?" Sasuke shouted at his older brother.

"I had a reason to leave" itachi said coolly.

"Why? What could be so important that you left me all alone?" Sasuke glared at him.

"I had to bring her back.." Itachi muttered.

"She's dead, she can't come back" sasuke shouted "I know you loved her but she's gone"

"I know" itachi looked at his younger brother "what did I miss?"

"Damn it itachi, I don't need this aggravation" sasuke looked away "I have enough to deal with right now"

"What's wrong?"

"You come back after a couple of years and think we should pick up where we left off? Fuck that" sasuke started to walk away "I can't trust you"

"Sasuke wait" itachi said, standing up "I'm not leaving again, so can't we-" itachi started.

"No" sasuke cut him off "you can't pretend nothing happened"

"I'm sorry" itachi said watching sasuke.

"I left your room exactly the way it was...I gave miyuki flowers once a week" sasuke muttered.

"Thank you" itachi smiled.

"Yeah..make yourself at home then" sasuke started to walk back to the hospital.

"Where are you going?" Itachi asked.

Sasuke looked back at the man that was his brother. He remembered all of his past memories with him and a faint smile flickered on his lips.

"I'm going to be at the hospital all night so don't bother to wait up for me" sasuke walked off and itachi smiled.

Itachi's POV

Well.. That went better than I thought, itachi thought as he walked in the house. He looked around, sasuke seem to keep it in a good manner..kinda dusty but he was never really good at cleaning. Itachi chuckled to himself and walked around the house. He reached sasuke's room and peeked in.

"What the hell?" He saw a woman's clothes on the floor "sasuke.. What have you been up to?"

He smiled and walked to his room. There was a picture of itachi smiling and holding hands with the prettiest woman ever to live. She had long black hair that reached her waist, but she always pulled it in a high ponytail. She had long bangs that she kept tucked behind her ears. Itachi smiled and looked in her green eyes. They had went out that day. He sighed and sat on his bed.

"One of the best days of my life... I'll bring you back one day" itachi gently stroked the cold picture frame.

"I love you miyuki"

Discovered broken (Under Construction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora