Chapter 7

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Sasuke dropped the book on the ground and a picture poked out from one of it's pages. He slowly pulled out the picture and saw his mother and father standing side by side, two small children stood on each side of the mother, the eldest stood in between his mother and father, the youngest stood on the outside holding his mum's hand. They all had a smile, except for his father, he had a permanent frown.

Sasuke set the picture down and closed his eyes. Itachi...why? He thought, why did you kill them and not me. He rubbed his his and laid his head on the desk.

The desk felt cold underneath him and he stared at the floor. He needed someone's touch, he needed someone to reassure him that everything will be okay.

But at the moment, being completely alone, he only had himself. He looked at the stack of papers from tsunade and sighed "she'll kill me if I don't do this.." He grabbed a felt-tipped pen and began scribbling on the papers.


She was walking along side kiba and shino. She usually stayed quiet but kiba kept talking so it wasn't silent.

"Hey shino, it's been a while since we've all been on a mission together" he smiled and shino gave a slight nod in agreement and looked around in those dark shades of his. Akamaru was sniffing the contents of kiba's pockets.

Kiba pulled out a small treat and fed it to him. Akamaru ate it quickly and barked in satisfaction.

"So hinata, how have you been?" Shino muttered.

"Different" she smiled to herself and kiba looked at her.

"Different huh? Shino she has that look" shino nodded in agreement.

"Wh..what look?" She blushed.

"The look that your in love" kiba smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Who is it?" Shino asked.

"I.. Have no idea what your talking about" she blushed harder.

"You think it's naruto?" Kiba asked.

"No, he's too... Weird for our hinata"

"Hmm..." Kiba pondered "it's sasuke huh? They do have similar personalities and she smells like him" he sniffed her hair and hinata blushed harder.

"Yeah.. I think that's it" shino smiled softly "congratulations hinata"

"Th..thanks" she smiled and kiba looked foreword.

"Is that the place?"

There was a huge mansion in front of them and kiba sniffed the air.

"Do you guys smell that?" He looked around and peered in the forest behind them.

"Look it's the prince, behave kiba" shino walked foreword to greet him and kiba followed grumbling slightly. Hinata followed them and a man was standing outside the door watching them with a huge smile on his face.

"Welcome, I want to thank you for watching over us, we are in your debt"

"Just doing our job" kiba smiled.

"I would like you to escort my son to the new location, umm.. Shino is it? Lets talk about the plan" he pulled out a map and waved his hand "come here"

Shino walked to the man and they discussed the route. Hinata and kiba stood quietly when a man, the prince, emerged from the mansion.

"Father, are these the bodyguards?" He looked at all of them but his blue eyes lingered on hinata. He put on a charming smile and approached her.

"Hey there, what's your name?" He put his hand on her cheek and stood close. The prince immediately smelled another man's cologne on her person.

"Hinata" she looked away and stepped back "I have a boyfriend"

He smiles and ruffled her hair "I don't mind" Hinata looked at the ground.

"c'mon guys, lets go" shino waved them over, the prince mounted his horse and shino started leading them.

A couple hours later kiba pulled out a Kunai.

"We aren't alone" he glared and looked around.

"Hinata" shino looked around and hinata activated her byakugan as kiba sniffed the air.

She saw two men and a woman running towards them wearing anbu uniforms.

"Kiba, please calm down" she said "it's anbu" shino looked confused and walked towards them.

They came to a stop and silently handed shino a note. He glanced at them and read the note.

"What's it say shino?" Kiba started to read over his shoulder "sasuke sent them huh? Well that's not needed"

Hinata glanced at the anbu and, with her byakugan, she looked through the masks and saw sasuke smiling at her.

She looked at him shocked and he winked.

"What's wrong hinata?" Kiba looked at her.

"Nothing, just shocked that they came"

"Oh" she looked at sasuke and smiled.

"Well lets get going okay?" Shino smiled and bowed at the prince "follow me your highness" the prince smiled and nodded.

Kiba started walking with shino and hinata followed. Why is sasuke here she thought. Sasuke gently brushed his fingers against yours and her heart started to race.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and the prince was riding a white stallion next to her. His fingertips traced over her jawline and his other hand slid a rose into her fingers.

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful woman" he smiled and hinata looked away.

"I told you I had a boyfriend" she kept walking and the stallion nickered.

"And I told you I don't mind" he stroked her cheek and slid his hand to the back of her head and made her lean towards him.

Sasuke slapped the horses rear and it neighed surprisingly and took off running. The prince let out a high pitched shriek.

Sasuke started walking faster and hinata watched him curiously. Shino sighed audibly as kiba laughed.

"Please your highness, stay in formation, and hinata get that anbu back here" Hinata nodded and followed sasuke.

Sasuke was leaning on a tree and was glaring at the trees in the distance.

"Sasuke? Are you okay?" She looked at him.

"I'm fine" he muttered and his hands clenched into fists. She looked at him and gently pulled up the mask up, so it uncovered his lips.

"No your not" she kissed him and he automatically pulled her body closer. His hands ran up and down her back and she put her hands on his chest as they kissed. He gently moved his hands to her butt and she blushed hard.

"I need you" sasuke muttered hungrily in her mouth and she blushed hard.


"Right now, I need to be in you" his hands slipped under her shirt and she blushed hard.

"Not here sasuke" he gently withdrew his hands and pulled his lips away from hers.

"Sorry.." He looked away.

"Don't be" she smiled "lets go back before they think something weird"

He smiled and slid his mask back on properly.

"Just try not to let that pompous airhead touch you again" she giggled.

"I promise sasuke"

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