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I arose from my bedsheets as I woke up by the sound of a baby's cry. I forced myself out of bed and walked to the crib that sat beside my bed and gently picked Aika up from her crib. I cradled her in my hands and shushed her as I went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and took out baby formula that was in a bottle and warmed it up in a microwave.
After it was finished heating up, I dropped some on my hand to make sure hat it was scolding and then fed Aika.

After she had finished her bottle I checked my phone for the time and the numbers 3:12am shone back at me. I sighed; it was way too early to be awake.

My eyes looked at the date and I noticed it that it was the February 10th, Mikasa's birthday.
I smiled and my eyes teared up, but I blinked the tears away and sniffed.
"Don't worry sweetie, I'll visit you today." I muttered.
I carried Aika back upstairs, but as I stood on the steps, I could feel what felt like a presence behind me. I turned around, but nobody was there. I exhaled and just went upstairs and placed Aika back in her crib and laid back in bed.

As I slowly fell back asleep, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stick up as a feeling rushed over me. It wasn't a feeling I was frightful for, it was a feeling that filled my senses with excitement. I felt as if something good were to happen today.

I brushed the feeling away and turned to face the empty side of the bed, where Mikasa would sleep, and threw my hand onto that side. However, my hand felt as if it landed on something apart from the bed.
My eyes shot open in surprise only for me to realize that my arm had landed on a pillow.
"Jesus Eren, why are you so jumpy?" I sighed, mumbling to myself.

I shook my head and drank some water that was on my bedside table before finally falling back asleep.

It was after work and I was already in my car to head to Hanji and Levi's house. I were to be meeting Levi, Armin, and Connie with their families. Aika and the children were all daycare because we just couldn't bring them to see Mikasa in such a horrible state. We were all going to see Mikasa today because it was her special day.

My visits to see Mikasa have become less and less frequent too. It started off every day and slowly morphed into a once or twice a month. I've been busy with my work and I've been seeing a therapist too because I'm slowly falling into a depressed state. But hopefully seeing her today will calm me down... maybe.

Before even ringing the doorbell, Levi opened the front door and saw my face. "Oh, Eren." He said, reluctantly. I slowly waved back to him before welcoming myself inside and taking off my shoes. Things have grown awkward between Levi and I for no apparent reason whatsoever. However, it did start after Mikasa was hospitalized so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

I stood upon the living room and saw Annie and Hanji doing the dishes while Sasha and Armin spoke with one another and because I saw Levi walk into the garage I suspected for Connie to be there too. I greeted them as I walked in and sat down on the couch and went on my phone. Annie and Hanji finished the dishes and came to the living room and we all decided to watch TV.

Nobody was in high spirits because of Mikasa, we're all just longing for her to be here again.

A couple minutes into the boring show that we were watching, Sasha stood up from the couch abruptly. "Hey! How about we all go out for lunch before seeing Mikasa again?" She proclaimed. We all agreed, from needing a distraction from Mikasa's situation, so Annie went to the garage to alert the boys.

Levi and Connie soon came out and Connie asked "who's buying?" Sasha looked at him with a dumb face before replying with "we're all splitting the bill." A couple of us chuckled before finally going to Hanji and Levi's fan.

I would be driving and Annie were to be sitting in the front seat with me and everybody else was in the back. As I drove, Annie looked at me.

"It's not your fault, Eren." She mumbled.
"I know but--" I sighed.
"No buts! This is nobody's fault." She said before looking down. "She was my friend too, you know?"

My heart sank when realization hit me. Have I been neglecting everybody else's feelings for Mikasa's sudden situation? I've been sulking all by myself without even realizing that other's are suffering too.

"And it's not you're fault either." I gave a half-smile.

Annie looked at me before smiling too; she knows that I can finally see everything else.

We arrived at a diner and we all sat at a table and ordered some food. Nobody ordered wine, or any alcoholic beverages for that matter.

The waiter soon arrived back with our food and wee all dug in. We were all finally bringing up conversations and our minds were finally off of Mikasa.

We stayed in the diner--still talking--even after our food was taken away. It wasn't until they told us to leave that we finally got back in the car. Everybody was smiling and happy so I finally drove us to the hospital. We all dreaded this moment, yet we still wanted to see Mikasa.

I walked in and signed in and my dad immediately came out, smiling. "Eren." He smiled. "Come with me." I nodded, confused, but followed him out to the hallway. "What's up, dad?" I asked.

"It's a miracle." He insisted.
"Just come with me." He smirked.
I followed him to Mikasa's room and expected only for the worse. But when he opened the door, it was the complete opposite.

Mikasa sat there, fine and healthy as she ate some food. Her face looked as bright as ever and she was... conscious.
When I saw her, I nearly bawled my eyes out.


"Eren." She looked at me, teary-eyed.
I ran up to her, crying, and hugged her. She hugged me back as she quietly sobbed and soaked my shirt.
I kissed her deeply and she kissed back, passionate.

"Welcome back." I cried.

She sniffed.

"Thank you, my love.." She replied, choking back a sob.

•~The End~•

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