Chapter 40 | Pull the Plug

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Eren's POV
It's been a week since what happened at the hospital. Mikasa is still unconscious and I've been visiting her daily with her baby. I decided to name her Aika, because Mikasa told me before she was pregnant with someone else's child that she'd want our first daughter to be named Aika, because the name "Aika" means "Love". So whenever I'd look at our daughter, I'd know that she was the product of our love. However, turns out that it wasn't my child, but some random man's.
Heh... guess I'm still not over that fact.

Currently, I was impatiently driving to the hospital with Aika for our daily visit. She was sleeping in the backseat of my truck and she was cooing to herself. I pulled up in the parking lot and carried Aika in her baby carrier to the front desk, where the receptionist sat. I looked over the counter , expecting to see Ilse because she started working there and is usually at that station, but instead I was greeted with the the view of some random dude's silver-blond hair. He was staring at his computer screen, typing away at something with his keyboard.

I cleared my throat, hoping to gather his attention. He didn't even look up as he responded with the word, "Yes?"

"Uhh... I'm here to see someone." I said.
He sighed, seeming annoyed, but used his mouse to click something on his screen, then typed something down before asking me "Who?"
"Mikasa Ackerman."
"What's your relationship with her?"
"I'm her fiancée." I responded.
"Eren Jaeger?" He asked.
"Yes." I groaned. His attitude was pissing me off.
"Alright, she's been moved to room 148." He finally gave me the information I longed for.
"Gee, thanks." I mumbled.

I walked away, Aika sleeping soundly in the carrier, and faced a corner I needed to to turn.
"Thanks." I replied.
"Yeah, whatever." He dryly responded.

"Asshole." I murmured, frowning as I finally turned the corner.

I led myself towards Mikasa's room and opened the door. I walked in and found her laying on her bed with her body hooked up onto multiple machines, like always unfortunately. The breathing mask was over her mouth and nose which would get fogged up occasionally from Mikasa's breathing. Her heartbeat was going steady as I took a glance at the machine. I gently set Aika down in her carrier and let her continue to sleep. I approached Mikasa and sat by the chair aside her bed and held her left hand with both of my hands.

Her hands... they were so cold.

I held my head down and closed my eyes while forcing myself to hold my tears captive, not giving them the privilege to fall. I opened and closed my eyes to blink them away. I gently opened my eyes after a couple minutes when I could finally contain my tears without straining myself, and I looked at Mikasa from under my eyelashes. I immediately closed my eyes again right afterwards, for having to hate seeing her in such a weak and vulnerable state.

As I let myself stay in the room for a couple seconds more, the door unlocked from the outside and suddenly, it creaked opened. I pivoted my view to the door and saw my dad standing there. The room was dark, but the light in the outside hallway was on so the light shone in through the open of the door as my father's shadowy-figure stood in the light.

"Eren, we have news." He said.

I straightened my posture and sat up in my seat and looked at my father, not letting go of Mikasa's hand.
"Yes, what is it?"
He walked into the room with a notebook with a clipboard and some papers on top of it as well as a pencil. He sat down in the chair that swiveled and turned it to face me. He logged onto the computer in the room and showed me some notes as he began to look through the multiple papers on his clipboard.

"So, Mikasa Ackerman, your fiancée, is slowly decaying and is only being supported by our machines, as you can see. But.. we are unaware of how long we will be willing to keep supporting her. Our limit is 6 months, but maybe if you sign some papers... you can pull the plug." My father delivered his news in his most professional tone possible, however he failed.
"Wh-what. You want me.. to let you guys just let her die?!" I asked with wariness in my tone, my voice cracking.
"I'm sorry, son." He replied, not giving me a fair answer.

"Well screw this! You guys are supposed to help people, not let them die!" I retorted, sounding almost like a 2 year old.
"Eren, please remain calm." My father said.
I averted my eyes, feeling somewhat enraged by his request but mainly melancholy.
"This is stupid."

I stood up from my chair and grabbed Aika as she finally began to wake. I took her in the carrier and left my father in the room, leaving him with no answers as I left the hospital. I drove myself away from the place but I didn't drive myself home, rather I drove my best bud's house.

I pulled up in the driveway and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then shoes squeak against their flooring as the door opened. They saw my expression and soon, their's was the same for they already had an idea of the news that I was bound to deliver.
"Eren, what happened?"
"Armin... they're telling me to pull the plug."

His eyes widened as he opened the door wider. "Come in."
I walked into the house and took my shoes off, then took Aika out of her carrier, finally, and cradled her in my arms. She looked so similar to Mikasa.. however the freckles are most likely from the other guy's side.

I followed Armin to the couch in his living room by the kitchen and his wife, Annie, who was doing the dishes saw me.
"Hey, Eren." She smiled.
"Annie, can you take care of Aika while Eren talks to me?" Armin asked.
"Oh, sure thing hun. I'll be upstairs with Akira." She replied. She gently took Aika from my arms and took the baby bag that was laid next to her in her carrier as she went upstairs.

"Okay man, tell me what's going on." Armin said.

"So I went to visit Mikasa and turns out... the hospital isn't willing to support her for long, just 6 more months. And it's either that I wait til then for them to pull the plug, or I get it all over with and do it now." I mumbled the last sentence, feeling to pained to say it and I don't think that Armin heard me, but I know that he knew from my expression that it'd be best for me to not ask me to repeat it.

Obviously, my friend didn't have an idea of how to empathize, sympathize, or comfort me, for he's never experienced anything like this before. However, he gave me the most rational advice possible and advised me to just call my dad again and to get more information, until then, I should attempt at calming myself down. And so, I did as he instructed.

I left his house not too long after that and Annie insisted on taking care of Aika for me, since I'd be too stressed, and I happily accepted her offer. So I drove myself home and as I sat in the driveway of my house, I took my phone out of my pocket.
Fortunately, as I was about to call him, my father was already calling me. So, I picked up.

"Eren, I have some better news. Although it will cost you plenty, if you agree, we can allow you to have Mikasa continue to be supported by this hospital for at least 15 years."

I nearly dropped my phone in shock. Even though my original plan was sorrowful and affected me deeply, I had planned to pull the plug. However, with this new offer I couldn't hold myself back. I want Aika to at least see her mother in person once she gets older so that she can have her in her memory and so that she could know how beautiful she is up close.

And so, I took his offer, no questions asked.

The Incomplete End

A/N: Huhuhuhuh, hope that you guys will enjoy that cliff hanger. Sorry if the book seemed a bit rushed, because it was. I was trying to meet my schedule of 4 chapters per month so it was a little rushed.
Now, I don't want you all to go raging on me for leaving you guys so confused, so I'll give you guys an epilogue. However, I refuse to do a sequel because this book was already too much by itself. So, on 3/15/19, this book will have an epilogue and will be completed. So cya, I'll be right back! ✌🏾

Prostitute Stained Love (EreMika) | (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ