Chapter 18

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I stood behind the chair by Sasha's vanity in her bedroom in the apartment as she sat in the chair whilst I combed out her hair. I looked over my shoulder to see Krista chasing Annie as she held a bag of makeup supplies in her hand. "I told you Krista! I don't do makeup." Annie snarled. "But you'd look so cute. You could even make Armin blush." Krista teased. Annie flushed red from Krista's sudden statement. Sasha turned her head, including herself in their little quarrel. "Please, Annie? Just for the ceremony?" Sasha pleaded. Annie groaned. "Fine."

We were currently in the apartment, preparing for Sasha's wedding with Connie which was today. Sasha choose Annie and me to be her bridesmaids and Krista was her maid of honor, since they had been friends since grade school. Ymir downright refused to wear a dress, so she was in the audience. Because of Ymir's sudden absence in playing a party role in the wedding, Krista was going to walk down the aisle by herself. Armin and Eren were going to be groomsmen, so there was no best man.

"So, Sasha." I spoke up while I put her hair up in fancy bun. "Hm?" She responded. "What're plans for after the marriage? Babies maybe?" I asked in a somewhat teasing manner. Sasha turned bright red, but couldn't look away since I was doing her hair and I had her hair in my grip. "Maybe." She mumbled. "Aww!" Krista mused.

After we got ready, we went to where the ceremony were to be held; at a park. Sasha's younger cousin was the flower girl and Connie's younger brother was the ring bearer. First, Armin and Annie walked down the aisle. Then, it was Eren and I's turn. I cuffed my arm with Eren's while the flower girl handed me the bouquet of flowers I were to hold. "Thank you." I thanked the girl. She smiled, then walked away. "Ready?" Eren asked. I nodded in response, then began walking with him.

We exited the little tent we were in, Sasha, her father, the flower girl, and the ring bearer still inside as we walked down the aisle. Once we had made it down the aisle, the wedding music began playing on the piano that the park had and everybody stood up and looked down the aisle to see the flower girl walking down the aisle and throwing petals as Sasha and her father weren't too far behind her. Connie, who was already down the aisle, beamed when he saw his fiancée, soon to be wife, Sasha, walk down the aisle.

Once Sasha made it down and beside Connie, the marriage officiant began his speech and everybody took their seats. Sasha and Connie exchanged vows, then, soon after, the ring bearer walked down the aisle and handed the marriage officiant the rings and he gave them to Sasha and Connie. "I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The marriage officiant said. Sasha smiled as Connie cupped her cheek, then gave her a kiss.

Everybody started clapping and before we knew it, the ceremony had ended and we were on our way to where the wedding reception would be held; Connie's mother's garden. Sasha was going to move to Connie's house after they returned from their honeymoon, which was going to be in Paris.

Since Annie, Krista, the flower girl, and I all played a role in the wedding, we were going to ride in a limo while the males, including Ymir, had to take their own cars. I was sitting beside Annie while Krista and Sasha were talking with each other and the flower girl was drawing in a coloring book. I was drinking some champagne, as well as Annie and Krista. Sasha decided to stay sober until the entire wedding was over.

"Ugh..I hate this makeup." Annie pouted. "Here." I said, digging into my purse. I took out a container of makeup wipes and handed them to her. "Thanks." She said. I smiled as she began to wipe off her makeup. It smeared all over her face, but she didn't seem to care. She just wanted to take it off.

"I'm surprised you didn't wear you scarf, Mika." Krista pointed out. "It's all you wear." She added. "I didn't want it to clash with this dress. A maroon scarf doesn't really go with a light pink dress." I said, laughing a bit. "I guess so." Krista laughed. "We're here, ladies." The limo driver declared once he had parked. "Okay, thank you." Sasha smiled.

The door opened and we all got out, one by one. When I had gotten out, I could see Eren standing in front of the car, waiting for me. I smiled to him, then held his hand as we walked down to where the tables were in the garden. We sat where Krista, Ymir, Annie, and Armin were seated at. Sasha and Connie were at their own table.

"Looks like I finally get to talk to you today." Eren smiled. "Seems like it." I smiled back to him. We continued to talk and eat food as the music happily played on the speakers that were spread out throughout Connie's mother's garden. Sasha and Connie fed each other cake, so it was alright for us to get cake as well. So obviously, I already had a slice in front of me.

"Ya know, something's missing from your outfit." Eren said. "Really?" I asked as I swallowed a bit of cake. "Yup. You're missing this." Eren said as he turned and pulled out my red scarf from underneath the table. My eyes lit up as I held my breath. "You brought it?" I asked, obviously touched. Eren nodded as he wrapped it around my neck. I smiled lovingly, then gave him a kiss. "Thank you."

The day flew by after that. Eren and I continued to talk and catch up on things that we missed out on during his time studying for his college finals and other stuff. Krista and Ymir as well as Annie and Armin seemed to be talking about their own things too. This was a time of celebration after all, Connie and Sasha's marriage and Eren graduation is a pretty big deal.

We had moved inside to the open garden house which had flooring and it seemed more like a house than a garden house. It had wooden flooring and it was lit beautifully. Eren was talking with Armin and Connie, and since I wanted to relax from the whole party and I wanted to be alone, I was outside of the garden house, drinking some champagne. I heard footsteps behind me, so I turned around to see Annie approaching me. "Hey." I greeted her. "Sup." She greeted me back.

Silence followed and Annie and I just stood beside each other, drinking out separate glasses of champagne. "Mika," Annie began, breaking the silence. "are you gonna to tell Eren about how the college that you want to go to is giving out open exams?" I nearly choked on my drink, these sudden words taking me by surprise. "" I said. "How come?!" Annie immediately shot back. "Because I know that nothing good will come from it." I admitted.

It was silent again.

"I think you should." Annie said suddenly, bring the topic up again. "Why? It's not like it'll change anything." I said in a low tone. I finished my drink, making sure not to spill it on my red scarf. "Mika.." Annie sighed. I turned to Annie then, setting my glass down. "It's okay, I know you want to help me be happy. But really, I'm fine like this; with you guys." I gave a half-hearted smile. Annie sighed, but returned the smile. "Alright." She breathed, giving in. Although she was smiling, I could see through her smile and see the worrisome expression on her face. I sighed, because I really did want to tell Eren.

But I can't. I'd tell myself. I don't want him to feel burdened with me going to college and all that. I can't worry him....I don't want to lose him.

As I was trapped in my thoughts, I heard a rustling sound come from behind me. Annie must've heard it too, because she looked to me and we exchanged worried looks. We both turned our heads back, in a panic, to see only Eren looking at me from a afar, but still close enough to hear me. I relaxed, realizing that it was just him. But then, my heart stopped when I noticed his dumbfounded expression. "Eren?" I called out, snapping him out of his shock. "Mika..." He began. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

It felt as if my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I can't believe it......
Eren found out.

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