Chapter 15

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Maddie's POV


It was Tuesday when Kendall got suspended. I had to say, the rest of the week wasn't that bad at all without Kendall. Since it was Friday, I didn't have dance today, neither did Mackenzie. I decided to call Chloe.


"Hello?" Chloe speaks.

"Hey Chlo." I say

"Hey what's up."

"Nothing really, come over?" I ask

"Yeah, sure. See you in 5." She says and hangs up.

I walk over to my window seat and sit down. I stare out the window, a large green tree, pink blossoms growing off it. It was beautiful. I remember as a kid id sit here and admire the blossomy tree whenever I felt sad. I wasn't sad right now, although just looking at it cheered me up. Someone knocks on my door. "Come in." I say. "Chloe's here." I turn to see Chloe standing with Mackenzie. "Hey! Thanks Kenz." I say. She smiles and leaves. My smile turns to a frown. "Does she remember yet?" Chloe asks walking over to me. "No.. You?" I ask. "Yeah, I think." Chloe says unsure. "Lucky you." I say. "Don't feel bad Madds." Chloe says sitting next to me. "It's hard though! I don't understand why she can remember all you guys but not me." I say looking down. "I know. It's unfair." Chloe says rubbing my back. We sit in silence for a minute. "Chloe?" "Yeah?" "What're you thinking about?" I ask her. "Nothing.. But.. You know how you said you and Kenzie hadn't or rarely talked for, well ever." Chloe says. "Yeah?" I say not sure where she's going with this. "Well, maybe that's why!" She says sitting up straighter. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Since you and Mackenzie never talked or did anything together, no memories were made." She says. "True..." I say. "My mom told me that when I person looses there memory, like Mackenzie, they remember people by memories. So that's why she remember your mom and all the girls!" Chloe says. "Chloe! You're a genius!" I yell. She smiles "but wait.. How could she remember you?" I ask. "You've only been here for a short while of time." I say sitting up. "Oh, well, remember when you got suspended?" She asks. I cough, "yeah." "Well while you were gone, Mackenzie and I got to know each other, we made up dances and stuff." She says. "Oh. Makes sense I guess." I say sorta disappointingly. Mackenzie and I used to do that when we were little. I was 7 and she was 5. She stopped talking to me when I was 8. I never knew why. "Mackenzie and I used to do that." I say staring into space. "Do you wish you still did?" Chloe asks. "All the time." I say. "Hey! I got it! If we can get Mackenzie to remember all the dances you did together she'll remember you!" Chloe says. "Ya!" I say and jump up. "Cmon! We gotta a memory to fix." Chloe says. We skip out of my room. I'll finally get my sister back.

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