Chapter 12

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It's only been a couple days since Mackenzie's incident. Tomorrow I get to go back to dance again, although I rather not. I'm pulled from the group no matter what. I think I might just skip dance. I don't care if I get into trouble. I'm just worthless and I deserve to be where I am. My mom doesn't believe me, Kendall tortures and hates me, Abby pulled from the group dance and worst of all, my own sister doesn't know who I am. I lay down on my bed and turn over to see the time. '5:45' my clock reads. I haven't eaten any dinner and I'm alone once again. My mom refuses to leave Mackenzie. So I'm here most hours and days alone until Mackenzie is well enough to come home. Which could be forever. I get up and go downstairs to the kitchen. I sit and the table and rest my head in my arms. "I deserve this." I keep telling myself. Why should I tell myself I don't deserve this? I'd just be lying.


The phone starts to ring. I hesitate but I stand up and go to the phone. "Lukasiaks" the ID reads. I pick up the phone. "Hello?" I say quietly. "Maddie! It's Chloe!" She yells. "Ah. Chloe geez don't yell." I say startled. "We need to talk." She says. "Chloe, I just can't, I rather not." I say. "Maddie!" What." I say. "Meet me in the park in 15 minutes!" She yells through the phone. "But Chl-" I get cut off by the sound of the line clicking dead. "Great." I say and swing my arms down. Chloe will probably be mad of I don't show up so I go upstairs. I fix my hair and put on a hoodie over my outfit. Good enough. I grab my phone and trudge downstairs and out the door.




I walk up the grassy hill to where I see Chloe sitting waiting for me. She turns her head and spots me. She jumps up and sprints towards me. "MADDIE! WE NEED TO TALK OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" She yells. "Chloe! Calm down!" I say forcing my hands down on her shoulders to get her to stop jumping. She grabs my wrist and pulls me over by the big oak tree. "What Happened last weekend!" She asks jumping right into conversation. "Kendall, is what happened." I say coldly. "Oh my...what'd she do?" She asks more calmly. "She claims I hit her in the nose with the door on purpose and that it's broken. Of course, Abby believed her and I got suspended AND pulled from the group dance." I say looking down. "Maddie...I'm really sorry." Chloe says giving me a small hug. "Don't be. I don't care anyways. I'm probably not going to come tomorrow." I say looking the other way. "What! Maddie please come.." She says. "I can't." I say. "Why?" She asks. "Kendall.. And..." I stop my self. I can't tell her about Mackenzie. "And what?" She asks. "Nothing.. Nothing." I say. "Maddie." She says sternly. "Ugh! Mackenzie was in coma and now she lost like half her memory! And something she forgot was who I am!" I yell and look at Chloe. My eyes start to fill with tears. Chloe looks at me in shock. "W-will it come back?" She asks finally making out some words. "I-I don't know." I say looking down letting tears fall. "Maddie I'm so sorry." She says. "Thanks. But I deserve this." I say. "Maddie. No you don't. " she says putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yes Chloe, I do. I'm worthless. Nobody cares for Me. My mom, Abby, NOBODY!" I yell. I start to cry. Chloe stands up pulling me with her. "Maddie. Look at me." I look up."You are an amazing person. You most certainly do not deserve this. You deserve so much better." She says. "Thanks Chlo." I say. "You're welcome, and remember, you can hide from your problems but they won't go away unless something is done about them." She says looking me in the eye. "Okay." I say wiping my tears away. "What about my sister?" I ask. "Just think good, positive thoughts." She says and smiles slightly at me. I smile back. "So Maddie Ziegler. With that said. You will be showing up for dance tomorrow and all days after that!" She says pointing her finger in the air. I just look at her. My smile fades. She laughs. "I'm just kidding. But please come tomorrow." She says. "Okay...fine." I say giving in. "Great! Is your mom home?" She asks. "Nope." I say. "Wanna come to my place? My mom will her know you're here." She says. "Okay." I say. We start to walk to Chloe's. Maybe I was sorta wrong. I do have someone that cares for me. And she's right beside me. I look at Chloe and smile.

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