Chapter 11

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Maddie! You did not reach high standards at least weeks competition! Hopefully this week you'll prove yourself." Abby says. Down the line I hear Kendall laugh quietly. Chloe rubs my back. "You did fine Maddie." She whispers. I just shrug. I don't know why people tell me I'm good. I'm really not. Next comes Paige, Nia then Kendall. "On top we have Chloe! You did amazing!" Abby says. We all clap. "Warm up girls." Abby says and goes to her spot. I lunge. Kendall walks by and shoves me over. "Oops." She says and laughs quietly. I leave the studio to go to the washroom. I don't actually go to the washroom, I just needed to get away from Kendall for a bit. I pull out my home and see I have a text from my mom. "Mackenzie is awake, but she still isn't completely better. I'll pick you up after dance to come see her." It says. I reply with a simple "ok." I'm about to walk back into the studio when Kendall walks in. "Watch it loser." She says. I open the door and walk back in. "Ow!" Kendall screams. All attention turns to her. "You just broke my nose!" She yells. "What!?" I ask. "You hit me with the door. On purpose Maddie!" What no I didn't!" I yell. "Girls what's going on!" Abby yells. We walk over to her. "Miss Abby, Maddie hit me in the nose with the door, on purpose!" She says still clenching her nose. "No I didn't! You were in the middle of the den! There is no way the door hit you!" I yell back. "Then why am I holding my nose in pain!" "Because you're faking Kendall!" I yell at her. "Stop!" Abby yells. "Is this true Kendall? Are you faking?" She asks. "No! Maddie is lying, I swear Abby!" She says. " Maddie why would you do something like that!" Abby questions. "I didn't! She's the LIAR!" I yell. Kendall starts to fake cry. "REALLY KENDALL!" I yell at her. "Maddie!!" Abby yells. "ugh! I HATE YOU KENDALL!" I scream and shove her. "Maddie! That's enough! You're suspended for 4 days and I'm pulling you from the group dance!" Abby says. "UGH!" I shove Kendall out of the way and leave. I pull of my dance shoes and put on my flip flops and leave. I call my mom to pick me up.




"Maddie! How could you do such a thing!" My mom yells angrily. Abby had told her the story. "I didn't mom! Kendall is liar!" I say. "Why would she fake something like that Maddie!?" My mom asks. "Because she's Kendall! She hates me!" I say. "That's ridiculous Maddie! Are you sure you're not the liar!?" She says. " I can't believe you'd accuse your own daughter! You weren't there so you don't the REAL story!" I yell furious. "Maddie! Enough! You're grounded." She says. "What! No!" I yell. "I said enough. Suck it up for your sister!" She says. "I HATE MY LIFE!" I yell and kick the seat.




"Mackenzie Ziegler." My mom tells the nurse at the front desk. "Room 317." She says. We go down the hall to her room. "Hi Kenzie." My mom says. She's asleep. I sit on a stool in the room and pull out my phone. My screen opens to my moms text. "Oh, mom, what did you want to tell me?" I ask trying to avoid to much conversation. "What?" She says ruffling through her purse. "Your text." I remind her. She looks up. "Oh, yes. It's about Mackenzie she-" mom is stopped by the sound of Mackenzie awaking. "Hi Mackenzie." She says "mom." She says. "Yes Kenzie?" "Where am I?" She asks. How can she not know where she is? "The hospital, sweetie. Remember, the accident." My mom tells her. " could I forget." She says turning her head. "H-hi Mackenzie." I say standing up. "Hi?" She says. She seems confused. "How are you doing?" I ask. "I'm I'm fine.. But one question?" She says. Her voice is weak. "Who are you?" She asks. "What?" I say. "I don't know you. Do I?" She says we both look at mom. She stands there looking at me trying to figure out what to say. "I'm, Maddie. Your sister." I say. Worry spreads across my face. "My sister? I don't have a sister." She says. "M-Mackenzie. Maddie is your sister." My mom says. "Oh.. Sorry." She says. "Why don't I know you then?" She asks. "I-I don't know" I say. Mackenzie falls back asleep. "Mom..?" I say looking at her. "Um, Mackenzie has lost some of her memory." My mom says. I stand and look at her in shock. "Will it come back!" I ask. "They..don't know yet." My mom says looking down. "What! She has to! I just got my sister back and now she might never remember me!" I yell. "Maddie keep it down. Her memory will come back." My mom says trying to assure me. "And what if it doesn't. Huh?" I say. "She'll be gone forever." I say. "Not forever Maddie. Just think of it as... Re-reading a book. You start over and it takes time."

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