Chapter 9

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About 5 minutes later the medics have arrived. I lead them up to my room where Mackenzie lays on my floor unconscious. She looks...dead. They go and check to see if she is breathing. "She's breathing. We just need to figure out the cause of this fall." The say and lift her up. They carry her outside to a stretcher. My mom goes in the ambulance with Mackenzie. They shut the doors and drive away. I stand in the door way, tears start to form in my eyes. I just got my sister back and now I might loose her? "She'll be ok." I say trying to calm myself down. But another voice says "what of she's not?" She just collapsed out of nowhere. Was it because she was under pressure or something ? It looked like she had to tell me something. A million thoughts ran through my head. I walked slowly back up to my room. I sat on my bed and picked up my phone. I don't think I can sleepover at Chloe's knowing my sister could be hurt. I dialled Chloe's number.




💛OMG Maddie! Is everything ok!?

✌️Well..not really.

💛What happened!?

✌️Mackenzie collapsed.

💛Is she ok?

✌️I hope so. She was unconscious too

💛oh Maddie. I'm so sorry.

✌️Thanks. I just hope she's ok.

💛Yes me too.

✌️Look..I um don't think I can sleepover.


✌️I just don't think I can do it knowing my sister could be hurt.

💛 Ohh..well I understand, I hope she's ok.

✌️Yeah, I wish I could sleepover..I just.

💛yeah...what about if we just hung out a bit more?

✌️Well...I ...I guess.


✌️ill be back in 5 minutes.

💛ok bye.


I really don't think I could sleepover knowing she could be hurt. I know it probably doesn't make sense but to me it does. Mackenzie is really the only one I have, and Chloe, sorta. I put on a sweat shirt and go to the bathroom. I wash my face from tears and makeup. Chloe did I great job. At least she took a picture of me earlier. I dry my face and apply a little makeup again. Just mascara and lip gloss. I get my phone and walk down the street to Chloe's. *knock knock* The door opens and Chloe appears. "Hey." I say quietly. "Hey Maddie." She says trying to match my tone. We go back up to her room and hangout for a bit. "You ok." She asks. "I don't know." I say. Chloe comes and sits beside me on the floor. "She'll be alright." Chloe's whispers to me. I smile slightly. I feel like Chloe and I are friends now I just don't know how to tell for sure. I don't have any friends so I don't know when you really do have a friend. ",are we friends?" I ask her. I look down at the floor. "Absolutely." She says. I look at her and she looks at me. We smile. "I finally have a friend." I say. She hugs me. "I hope our friendship lasts along time." She says. "Me too." I say and smile. "Hey, you wanna go to the beach with me tomorrow?" She asks. "Yes! I'll just have to ask." "Okay great!" She says.


Chloe and I are in the middle of practicing our duet when my phone rings. "One sec" I say.

"Hello?" "It's me. Are you at Chloe's?" My mom asks. "Um yeah." I say. "Be home in 10 minutes." "Ugh, fine bye." I hang up.

"Was that your mom?" Chloe asks while doing pirouettes. "Yeah I gotta go." I say. "That sucks. Wish you could stay." She says and stops spinning. "Same. Sorry I couldn't sleepover." I say collecting my stuff. "It's ok. There's always other days!" She says. "Yep, hopefully ill be coming to the beach tomorrow." I say and smile. "Hopefully." Chloe giggles. "Bye see ya!" I wave and walk out the door.


I walk through the door to see my mom sitting at the kitchen table. Her hands pressed against her forehead. "Mom?" I say closing the door quietly. "Hi Maddie." She says kinda zoned out. "Is everything ok? Is Mackenzie ok!" I ask. "Yes and No." She says. "M-Mackenzie's in a coma." She says and turns to me. Tears fall down my face and my mouth drops. "Will she be ok!" I ask. "The doctors don't know yet. But I hope so." She says I can see she had been crying. I fall to my knees and start bawling. "No!" I repeat between sobs. "No."

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