Chapter 4

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It's only been five minutes of walking and it starts to pour. "Great" I say. I flip the hood of my sweatshirt onto my head. I pull out my phone quickly and see I have a message from Mackenzie. "Are you okay? Kendall is talking about what happened at the park." It says. I turn off my phone for now and decide to run home. Five minutes later I'm home. I stand on my porch dripping wet and pull of my converse and take them inside. I put them on the floor and run upstairs. I peel the layers of wet clothing off and change into sweat pants and a tank top. It's only 6:30. I sit on my bed and unlock my phone again. It opens up to Mackenzie's text. "Yeah, I guess." I type and send. She responds within seconds. "Maddie.." She says clearly not believing me. "Mackenzie I said I'm fine, seriously." I send. "K, I'll ttyl." She sends "bye." I reply back. I turn off my phone and put it on my night stand. I yawn and immediately fall asleep




I awake to the sound of my phone buzzing. I pick it up. The screen reads "KENDALL." Ugh. "Hello?" I answer. "Maddie. It's Mackenzie." "Mackenzie? What're you doing on Kendall's phone?" I ask. "My phone died. Look I have to tell you this quick." She says. "Ok, what is it?" I ask concerned. "Kendall is planning to tell fake stuff about you to Abby to get you kicked off the team." She says. "Ok, thanks Kenz. But it'd probably be better for all of us if I was off the team." I say. "No Maddie! Your amazing at dance! Don't let them win!" She says "Thanks Kenz but really. I'm not good." I say "Maddie! Yes you are! Please, don't let her do this to you." She says "Fine, only for you Mackenzie." I say "yay! Oh! I have to go! Kendall's coming!" She says. With that, she hangs up. Should I let Kendall do this? If I got kicked off, I would be away from the problems, most of the time. But if I do, Mackenzie will be upset. It seems my choices are problems 24/7 or my sister. I know I told Mackenzie I wouldn't let her but I really don't know what to do. My last thought was, "Why me?" Before I drifted back to sleep

-Sorry it's short!😔-

-next chapter coming really soon!-

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