Chapter 3

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After I finish doing the dishes I head upstairs to my room. I sit on my bed and twiddle my thumbs. After talking to Mackenzie, I feel like I have something to do. For once, it felt like I had a normal life... But I don't. After several minutes of thinking, I decide to go to the park to clear my mind. I get changed into a pair of jean shorts and a pink Abercrombie shirt. I decide to put a gray, baggy sweat shirt over top. I grab my phone and head out the door. The wind felt cool on my face and legs. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check my messages. None. Obviously. I go on Instagram to see if Kendall or any of the other girls have posted anything, and of course, low and behold, a post made by Kendall 5 minutes ago. The caption read "Team Sleepover with my girls!💕" I scroll the comments on her picture. "Maddie?" "Wheres Maddie?" "Did you finally drop her!" "Please tell me Maddie left Aldc!!" The majority of them read. I close my phone and slide it back into my pocket. 7 billion people and I have to be a victim.


(Time skip)


I sit on the cool grass and just stare. The lake down below looks memorizing as the sun sets. I've always had an eye for nature. I get up and go sit on a bench underneath a tree. I debate wether or not I should go back home. I just love it here. I can always come to clear my mind no more problems, no more being worthless or a loner. Just me and the great big world. By now I've gotten lost in the view of the sunset. I was soon startled out of them when I hear a very familiar voice a few meters behind me. "Look! I told you she'd be here!" She says. Kendall. Of all people! Kendall comes up to me along with Paige and Nia behind her. "What do you want Kendall." I say. "Why would I want anything, I just came to visit my, friend!" She says in an evil sort of way. "Look Kendall, I've got better things to do than listen to you." I say. I get up and start to walk away. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on." She says. I jerk around. "Nobody talks to ME that way." She says. "Actually, yes somebody does. And that somebody is me." I say. I step closer to her with every word. "Oh really?" She says stunned. I raise my eyebrows. "Well maybe you'll have second thoughts after I'm done with you." She says. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. "You'll see." She says. With that, she has both hands on my shoulders and shoves me down. "OW!" I yell. She snaps her fingers and Paige and Nia are on each side of me kicking at my legs. I try and stand up but Kendall shoves me back down. "Had enough yet, loser!?" She says tauntingly. I feel my face start to heat up with anger. I push myself up and walk up to Kendall. "Listen up, Vertes! This is the LAST time you ever bug me again!" I say shouting. "Is that so." She says smirking. "Try me Kendall!" I yell. I stand there furious and Kendall still smirking. She looks over my shoulder to Paige and Nia. I can tell she has something planned. Within seconds Paige and Nia grab a hold of my wrists and bring me down to the lake. I squirm around hoping to break free. Nia and Paige stand at the shore of the lake. "And Maddie. This is the last time YOU mess with me!" She says and laughs. "Girls." She says. Nia and Paige swing me backwards getting ready to throw me in the lake. I kick my heels at their ankles. They swing my forewords then backwards. Again, I kick at their ankles. Nia let's go and shouts in pain. "Nia!" Paige yells and lets me go. I fall to the ground and quickly get back up before Kendall has a chance to shove me in. "I can't believe I left the sleepover for this!" Kendall mumbles even though I can still hear. "Neither can I." I say mumbling. "Let's go girls!" Kendall yells. Paige helps Nia up and they motion over to Kendall. "The next time I see you, I'll make you pay! Your life will be even more miserable then it already is now!" She yells. "And I'll make sure you get kicked off the team." She adds and smirks. I roll my eyes. At least that'll get me away from Kendall. "Later loser." Kendall says and walks away. Nia and Paige trailing behind her. I stand there and watch. After they're out of sight I start to walk home. 7 billion people and I have to be a victim.

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