Chapter Nine: Intoxicated Feelings

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POV: Eddie October 4, 2008 9:20 PM

The meeting didn't necessarily go as planned. I was glad that it didn't turn out to be a set up, but I was very disappointed that I didn't get any answers. I should have known better though. Of course he wasn't going to admit that he murdered anyone if he did, and he damn sure wasn't going to tell me -A complete stranger- that he was in a romantic relationship with Nicholas, or any man in general. I felt like it was a waste of my time, but another part of me felt... Content? I was confused by that.

Again, when he first walked into the room he was a totally different person. I experienced a different aura from him, I saw him in a whole new light. There was no other word to explain it, but it was beautiful. I can't even lie, I haven't felt like that since the first time I met Veronica, and I can't stand her ass now. I felt like something was off about me during that meeting, now that I think about it. Never in my career have I ever showed sympathy towards anyone involved in any case like I did with him. I saw him cry, I saw his broken state, and I immediately fell prey. Was that a strategy to get me to feel guilty for questioning him? Did he shed tears to make me take his side? I didn't think about this while I was there, and I felt like a complete idiot.

"Dammit!" I slammed my hand on the steering wheel as I drove my way home. You're better than this Eddie, never have you ever did some shit like this! I shook my head frustrated. If I wanted to solve this case, and successfully publish it I needed to get my shit together and fast. I should have never went soft on him, and I damn sure should have never made any physical contact with him. At the end of the day I didn't know this man's motive, or his role in this mystery, and he made it clear that he didn't have any issues with telling me boldface lies, apology or not, he was capable of it. I stopped at a red light, and leaned my head on the wheel. There was a bar near my house, and I wasn't in the mood to face my mother at the moment, knowing she would be up at this time.

Once the light turned green I picked up my cell to make a quick call I hope I wouldn't regret. "Took you long enough to call me!" Makai said excitedly. "How did it go tell me everything!"

I shook my head "Just meet me at that little bar on Park Avenue." I pulled into the parking lot.

"The bar? You think they'll let me in? You know I'm not 21 yet Eddie." Disappointment was evident in his voice, which made me smirk. Enjoy being young while you can kid.

"They'll let you in, but they won't give you any alcohol, just order a soda or something" I chucked. I remember coming to this bar as a kid with my father, He would sit me on the counter, and I would always request a Pepsi and a bag of peanuts, while listening to my dad talk with his friends, and the owner Mr. Howard, who he was really close to. I had so many great memories there with my father, unfortunately he is no longer with me, and Mr. Howard passed on a couple years after him, leaving the business to his son Ryan. I've known him since we were kids as well, he would help his dad around the bar whenever he had free time.

"Alright I'll be there in 15 minutes" He quickly hung up, and I got out my car, and began walking towards the bar. It didn't look that crowded, not many cars were in the lot, and there were a few people standing outside at the entrance smoking. I entered the bar, there was the hip hop group NWA playing through the speakers, the lights dimmed, and the blue lights along the brown walls gave the place a mellow atmosphere. There were not too many people present, being as thought it was a late night on a weekday. They were seated at tables having small talk and drinking not being too rowdy, except for the small group of men engaging in a game of dice, and watching the college football game on the large flat screen mounted on the wall. I made my way over to the bar area where Ryan stood behind the counter drying out glasses. "Hey man" I greeted, taking a seat on one of the stools.

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