Chapter One: Everything At Once

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POV: Eddie September 15, 2008 2:18 am

What else can be better than waking up in a hot bedroom with a dry mouth, cracked lips, and an unbearable headache? How about a lunatic pounding on your door. Some idiot decided that the best way to gain my attention after less than 3 hours of sleep was to raise an infernal hell outside of my condo. Groaning I forced my eyes to open halfway to my almost completely dark room, but I didn't move, I refused to. It couldn't have been that damn important, it was probably some drunk asshole who lost his way... Or maybe it was important, and I could care less.

Unfortunately who ever was causing the noise had no intention of leaving, which really pissed me off considering the fact that my five year old is in the other room sleeping, and putting her to bed was a challenge in itself.

"Ayo! Eddie! Open the..." That was all I caught through my half sleep state, and the banging continued. As much as I tried to ignore, it made its way through the troubled haze of my sleep matching the throbbing pain in my head. Frustrated, I sat up quickly regretting that impulse decision after my body screamed in protest. Dammit! Who the fuck decided to show up here at- I turned towards my digital clock on my nightstand that read 2:26 am. What the hell? Who was... "Eddie man open the fucking door it's freezing!" I heard the voice again this time much clearer, and I knew exactly who it was. Makai Bright.

An Obnoxious, spoiled, 18 year old kid that doesn't know anything for his own good, doesn't care about anyone but himself, and thrives on ruining my sleep. I blinked moisture into my tired eyes and slowly stood not failing to produce some groans due to my aching muscles. "Alright" I called trying not to sound annoyed, but failing miserably.

"Hurry up man!" Evidently he didn't sound too happy either. I swung the door open, and realized I was only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants after feeling the cold September breeze. Oh, what a great way to greet your guest Eddie. Then again it's not like he was invited at this ungodly hour anyways. "Jesus, finally!" was all I heard him say before I could even get a look at him as he swiftly entered my home. Uninvitedly may I add. " Dammit man what were you doing? I was standing out there freezing my ass off for 30 minutes" I heard him ask behind me. I sighed heavily while shutting my door, and turned to face him. He stood there, 5 foot 8 and all, staring at me waiting for a response. He was wearing Adidas pants, a black t-shirt that looked too tight, and pair of matching name brand slides. I took note of his mix match black and red socks. What are we five?

"I don't know if you have ever heard of the word sleep? And keep it the fuck down you're gonna' wake up my daughter," I snapped while trying to keep my voice to a minimum. At this point my tolerance was wearing thin, and I prayed he had a reasonable explanation for all of this.

"Well sing her a fucking lullaby, kids love that shit," he countered. See what I mean about not caring about anyone but himself? I give the kid a pass since he hasn't really had much of an adult figure to raise him well enough to have decent manners, and also because he is paying me to write this case, even if it is with mommy and daddy's money.

I shoot him a glare of warning, and he smiles uneasily while taking a seat on my sofa. "What's the meaning of all of this, it's past 2 in the morning I'm sure it's not that serious." I choose not to sit, refusing to give him the impression that his visit will be long. I swear ever since this kid hired me to be on this case he thinks we have suddenly become buddies, and he assumes he can show up to my home anytime he wants, and quite frankly I'm fed up.

"It's about the case," he sighed looking down at his hands in his lap, I stood there waiting for him to continue. "Look I know that you said that it's impossible, and that I'm just pointing fingers at this point, but I know that he did it," he spoke quickly in fear of me interrupting him. I placed my palm over my shaking head, tired of hearing this same statement from him. Yeah I should take this into consideration, but it's not like the kid has brought me actual evidence. While working on this case the only suspect that I have right now is his father Nicholas Bright, which doesn't really help me since the man decided to guzzle a bunch of pills to end the pain. I've always been interested in the man's artwork and business ethic, the scandal and mystery of his wife's tragic murder just added to the allure of him.

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