Chapter Six: Nights Unsuccessful

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POV:  Michael January 22, 1992 8:30 PM

    There are a lot of moments in my life, that I can say have been very embarrassing to me, and this moment I can definitely add to the top of my list. I had been so adamant about meeting with Nicholas tonight. I was excited to see his face, and experience his amazing presence, only for me to faint in front of him before we could even walk into his art studio. Just when I thought I couldn't present myself anymore unstable, I almost give the man a heart attack by falling out in the middle of his hallway.

    "Michael. Michael!" My eyes were still closed, but I could still hear his voice. His deep, sweet, soothing voice that held a trace of worry. I tried to hold onto it as I mentally got myself together. I felt his warm hand caressing my face, while cradling my limp body in his other arm. Just hold on a little bit longer. This is nice, savor it. My thoughts coaxed me. I felt safe, and relaxed. For once, I felt like I was OK; His embrace kept me stable, and his voice made me feel warm and content inside.

    Until, "Nicholas, is he still out?" Rayna's voice pierced through the serene atmosphere, and shattered my moment of peace. "I brought him some water, I thought he might be dehydrated." I wasn't necessarily bothered by her presence, but I was disappointed at my alone time with Nicholas being interrupted. Oh Michael get over yourself. She is his wife, and you are just his client. With that thought, I decided to try and open my eyes, and move my limbs as they continued to talk.

    "Not yet Ray... Well it looks like he's starting to come to. And Good idea, I'm sure he's going to need the water, his head is probably going to kill him." He was right. As soon as I opened my eyes, the light shining in them caused me to close them immediately, as dizziness and pain hit me all at once. I let out a long groan, nuzzling my head more into Nicholas's hand, as if it would cease the throbbing.

    "Oh goodness. Poor Michael, I feel so bad. I wonder how this happened." Rayna spoke with her voice full of sadness. As sweet, and caring as she was being, I really didn't want to hear her commentary right now. Michael be nice.

    I made another attempt at opening my eyes, and this time they successfully adjusted to the light; However, slight pain was there. I looked up to see Nicholas holding me in his arms, as we sat on the floor. Rayna stood at my feet with a bottle of water in her hand, concerned etched on both of their faces. "Thank God, you finally opened your eyes. You worried the hell out of me." Nicholas said. I looked into his beautiful eyes, his hand was now massaging my scalp, and I managed to give him a faint smile, enjoying the sweet gesture.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I gave a slight pout. I felt so stupid, I was so in a rush to get here after trying to recover from those pills, that I didn't even give myself time to recuperate after that long nap. Way to go Michael.

    "No, don't say sorry, you couldn't help that." He smiled at me, making my heart jump. "I'm actually glad I caught you before you hit the floor, who knows what would have happened if you hit your head." He slightly chuckled, I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood. It was kind of working.

    I giggled, making the throbbing in my head increase, and I groaned again. "Well it sure does feel like I did. Was I out long?" I asked him.

    "No, not long, about 10 minutes." Rayna spoke up. I actually forgot she was standing there, and my little smile slowly faded. "I brought you some water, I thought you would need to be hydrated." She opened the bottle outstretching it towards me with a smile. Nicholas carefully sat me up, and I kindly took the bottle out of her hand.

An Unexpected Turn| Michael JacksonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin