was this actually pose practice or was it an excuse to draw my persona

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Here, the first actual good drawing I've done this month

I honestly just wanted to draw this outfit lol

I honestly just wanted to draw this outfit lol

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what? is going on?? with my shading???

seriously though is it just me or does my skin shading look super blotchy??


Anyways (has anyone noticed that I say 'anyways' too much?? I think I do)

I know I already said I've been obsessed with Parallels but I've been really obsessed with Parallels.

So I'm not sure if I'll do any more art any time soon, but I'll try, because I really really want to be done with this book

This has been my art book since last February, and I'm SICK OF IT HHHHNNN-

But whatever

I'll fill it up sooner or later

In the meantime...

*runs back to writing Parallels*


Art Book #4! (yes.)Where stories live. Discover now