is it weird that i like redrawing scenes from my own story

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Shattered Souls chapter 15

this is moderately bad

i just noticed how comepletely fucking bizarre Jesse's eyes look

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i just noticed how comepletely fucking bizarre Jesse's eyes look

why can i never notice this shit when i'm actually drawing


Oh and side note: I'm basically not drawing in my Minecraft style anymore

This in no way means I'm not gonna draw MCSM stuff, it just means that I'm retiring the square heads from here on out

Some of my drawings will still have the square heads, but that's just because it was like that in the original sketch and I was too lazy to change it

I'm trying to improve my facial anatomy while still keeping the cartoon look, and the Minecraft style really throws me off

So yeah

I'll try to give ya a new SS chapter soon, but i just rediscovered some FD motivation so we'll see


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