a bitter goodbye to someone i loved.

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yesterday was fine until i found out that one of my closest friends recently killed himself.

no. i'm not kidding.

i wish i was.

more than anything else, i wish i was.

i can't stop crying. 

i don't know what to do.

itwasAidensfault was one of my best friends, and now he's gone.

i spent most of last night crying and drawing this.

i spent most of last night crying and drawing this

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You were my angel...
I should've known you wouldn't stay on Earth.

I already freaked out in my randomness book, so I'm not gonna go into that again.

I just want to talk to him, one more time.

I want to thank him for being part of my life.

I want to apologize for every jerkheaded thing I've said.

I want to let him know he was a better friend to me than he thought.

I want to tell him I loved him like a brother.

I want to tell him anything.

But I can't.

So I'm stuck whispering goodbyes into thin air.


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