r a g i n g

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ooh I bet the title made you think it was vent art

tis not

tis Luktra

based on the song at top, which I am utterly obsessed with atm

And it follows the red-string AU headcanon where Lukas and Petra's red strings broke after they split up before season 2

I am absurdly proud of this

Call me anytime that you see the lightning

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Call me anytime that you see the lightning

Don't you feel alone, you can always find me

We've got a wild love raging, raging

Lost among a million changing faces

Every day our hearts keep trading places

We've got a wild love raging, raging

Raging, raging...

I messed with the colour scheme so damn much holy crow

Like they were originally going to be in partly desaturated colours and I was planning to cell-shade, then I changed my mind and coloured them both in all shades of blue, then finally went with their normal colours, but with an overlay of blue and their normal colours overlaid on top of THAT

But is it weird that I just fucking love this

Idk I just

It turned out a lot better than I thought it would, with the colours and GIMP effects and background and whatnot ¯\_ツ_/¯ 

The finished product is quite a confidence boost, actually, since it's kinda rare for me to sit back and look at a completed drawing and think 'yeah, I'm proud of this.'
It's not like I'm that disdainful of my usual stuff, it's just that while my usual daily drawings aren't bad, they're not amazing either

And I like how this turned out.

Also it's been a little while since I did some good Luktra, so I figured I might as well so something actually good

Oh and FUN FACT my original idea for this was Lukden not Luktra but when I started sketching I remembered that it's been too long since I've drawn my angsty sweethearts so yeah

Also also I'm writing a oneshot based on this, it'll be in my short stories book and on the OOTL account

Also ALSO also would you believe me if i said this was less than twenty layers


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