Chapter 5

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*Jimin POV*

The sound of my jaw bone cracking rang across the alleyway. I was trying to fight back but it was four against one and i couldn't hold them off for long.One of them rammed their knee so hard into my stomach I fell down coughing up blood. While I was down another one of the men came up to me and grabbed a fistful of my hair pulling my face closer to his.

"Next time don't pick a fight with just anyone kid" the guy said tauntingly while spitting out his words.

I spat on his face and he reeled back in disgust before registering what I just did. "YOU BITCH" He screamed at me while punching me square on the face sending me flying sideways.

I started laughing hysterically, cursing my damned fate. If that woman hadn't left me to rot with my father, if only, maybe I would've thought better of that pathetic excuse of a mother.

My hysteria stopped when I felt them kicking at my already beat body making me cough up more blood.


I ad to go and do a job Yoongi assigned me to do, so i gritted my teeth, cursing my father and did what i was told to do. It was to go and collect a debt that was long passed it's due date.

The man's house smelled like a garbage truck dumped trash in it. His appearance wasn't that pleaseing either, he was probably around his mid forties and he was obviously high and drunk.

He was giving us some trouble, another one of Yoongi's men and I were told to dispose of him immediately if he was being a bother.
I found myself watching as my "partner" whipped out a gun with a silencer on it and shoot the man straight between his eyes.

What terrified me the most was that I didn't flinch, not one single moment of dislike was made. I just calmly looked at the blood pooling underneath the corpse and continued what I was instructed to do.

I don't know what happened to the corpse after I left the site,and frankly I didn't care. I felt empty, it was like I was on the borderline between light and darkness. All I had to do was reach out my hand and I would be one of the people who were able to smile and laugh without worry. I couldn't.

Darkness engulfed me as I uttered a silent cry of despair. It dragged me into a pit of loneliness, soon numbing everything about me. It felt like I was loosing my humanity. All my scars, all my broken dreams were held before me, taunting me, laughing at my misery.

My steps grew heavier until I stopped. I felt so much desire to punch someone, to feel the crush of their windpipe in my palms and I would have done exactly that if the guy didn't have backup.

*Present time*

After a few more kicks and punches they left me alone. It took me a while to pick myself up and get onto the slightly empty streets. Passersby's gave me mixed reactions as I wobbled down the pavement, some gave me worried glance and asked if I needed any help, some looked at me as if I was beneath them, utter garbage.

I arrived near a road were people normally sped on, the cars wizzing by in a hurry. Before I could register what I was doing I heard horns blaze as they tried to avoid me but still I stayed rooted to the spot as I tilted my head upwards gazing at the milky way in all its glory. Drowning out the nose of horns and sceeches of tires I imagined what it would be like to hold one of those beautiful balls of light in my hands.

I snapped out if my reverie when I was blinded by the bright headlights of a massive lorry. I heard a high pitched scream of a girl that finally noticed the chaos she was surrounded by.

As the lorry was only inches away, seconds felt like hours slowing down, sharpening my senses. My body felt ablaze, adrenaline cousin through my veins and................I smiled, a smile of true and utter happiness graced my face, I welcomed the feeling and marveled in my last moments thinking

At last, I can finally rest.



Imagine if I ended like that lol

I also have no excuse for being this late other than procrastinating is heaven and hell all balled up in a tiny space where you feel claustrophobic.

Love you~~

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