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It was a special day for everyone, especially for Mark and Jackson. The two were so nervous, Jackson was literally sweating buckets while Mark had already ate two bags of marshmallows. Youngjae thought they were so cute.

The night before was really weird, Mark went to his parents while Jackson went to his, and on both ends, their parents were giving them advice. Jackson thought he didnt need the advice, but took it anyways knowing there would come a time he'd take use of it.

Since Mark liked Lavender, the whole wedding was that way. The colors were lavender and white, in the center of the tables was a single lavender flower, with chocolate kisses and marshmallows as snacks. Jackson's tux was the basic black and white, but Mark's was lavender and white, which looked so good on him Jackson had to control himself when they went to pick it out. He knows they'll have one hell of a honeymoon.

"Are you nervous?" Yugyeom asked Jackson. They were in a room off to the side of the venue. "Of course I am," he replied as he was rubbing his hands, reapplying deodorant every three minutes. "You're going to smell like those soap shops if you dont sooo applying deodorant," Bambam said as he joined them in the room.

Jackson laughed nervously, taking a sip of his water. He was also praying that tonight would go well, he didn't have any doubts either.

"Why are you so nervous?" Bambam asked as he handed Jackson a piece of gum. It was his favorite, spearmint.

Jackson didn't know why either. He thought about he'd be hyped, energized, happy. I mean he was happy, there was nothing sad about today. He was beyond happy, Jackson is just afraid. He wants Mark, wants a family with Mark, but what if he screws up again?

"I don't want to hurt him again."

"Then don't, you'll get better as the days go by. Trust me, the married title gave a new meaning in our relationship," Bambam said, referring to him and Yugyeom. Bambam patted Jackson on the shoulder before he went to check on the other groom.

But on Mark's end, he was in mits of crying and smiling. The ceremony hadn't even started and Mark was already crying. "That's going to be you," Jaebum said to Youngjae, the other smacked his chest lightly before hugging mark softly. "You're happy arent you?"

"I am and I can't control it," Mark said as he wiped his eyes for about the tenth time. Mark was so happy, his tummy was having it's own party and he was loving the feeling. He was loved that feeling if his tummy in a twine, because he knew only Jackson could make it do that. The thought of Jackson in his suit made Mark blush, he couldn't get the sight out of his head.

Mark knew his lover had a special night planned for them, so he wasn't going to deny the fact he cleaned and prepped himself thirty minutes before the ceremony started. It was probably too early, but he didn't care he was excited. He also wondered about their honeymoon. Jackson said he'd take care of it all, so the thought of it being a surprise excited Mark more. He just couldn't wait to marry his true love.

"Five minutes left guys!" Jaebum's mutual friend Junho said, sticking his head into the room. Mark looked into the mirror one last time before sending him a thumbs up.  

After heard the five minute mark, he started to cuss under his breath because of how nervous he is. Yugyeom threatened to slap the post out of him, which made Jackson laugh a few seconds. "You're overreacting," Bambam said to him.

"And ? I can overreact." Jackson said as he took some cologne and sprayed himself. After a minute or so, he calmed down and drank a class of warm water. After a few more looks in the mirror, he felt satisfied and walked out to the pier.

Every step Jackson took was like a flash towards the future, he was picture Mark and him sitting on the couch watching their favorite Sunday show. You could hear kids in the background giggling and laughing, Jackson felt so happy. He never wanted it to end and the nerves he had before disappeared completely, he needed to get through this so he can experience that happiness for many years to come.

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