Peace out😘

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(And with that Layla ran upstairs to her room , unlocked her secret cupboard full of money she had saved for 2 years and her already packed suitcase.)

Brother : Where the f**k do you think your going ?

Layla : Out of this house !

(She called a taxi)

(She went to grab her toothbrush whilst her parents were arguing over her behaviour)

Brother : do you seriously think this is a good idea , the family needs you and how are you going to survive out there on your own ?

Layla : Aww Don't worry "sweet brother", the "family" can find a
house-girl and she'll replace me just fine , and for me ? I've already sorted everything out .👍🏾

(Beep Beep)

Layla : Ooh taxi's arrived

( making her way to the door)

Brother : What do y-LAYLA! (He tries to grab her aggressively)

Layla : DONT TOUCH ME !! ( She shouts at the top of her lungs)

(He stands there in shock as she has never raised her voice at him)


Don't disrespect me like that, when I've shown you nothing but love and I'm telling you what's best for you for real.

(He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her back )

(she kicked his nuts)

Layla : If this is how you're going to treat your children hope you become incapable to have kids.

( Her mother rushed to her son )

Mama : Layla what is wrong with you?
Why did you do this ?
And where are you going ? come back here right now !!

Layla : I AM leaving.

Dad : Layla you are a disgrace to this family and I disown you as my

Layla : That's cool, I hope you've noticed that I never felt like i was a part of this family anyway.
(Layla's mind : Because This isn't what a family is supposed to be.)

(She finally walked out of the house and then got into the taxi which was headed for.......

🦋FEMALE🦋Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora