Chapter nineteen, Black Eye

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Imma just saay it 90% of this is a fight <3

* 2 days later *

Anne walked through the corridor towards that cafeteria as she texted Diana,

Anne, what date is the camp that's happening in like.. idk loolll

Diana, Uh....... idk it's in like a week or something... owo

Anne, lmao owowowowowowo

"ew look it's that stray dog" someone said from behind her, Anne turned around to see Billy and one of his 'friends' "go away billy" she said keeping a blank face.

He smirked, "How about we take this outside huh?" he said grabbing her arm and pulling her out the door, , Anne tried to pull her arm away but he held on too tight, "Let go of me!" she yelled. Once they were outside, he laughed and shoved her to the ground, "I don't get why were even here" he said with a smirk, "your ugly and no one wants you here, not even precious Gilbert" he said in a fake girly voice, tears came to Anne's eyes why am i bloody CRYING, she thought to herself angrily, "hah!" Billy cried, "the dog is crying!" suddenly they could hear someone talking, "I know.. hah i tried man" Gilbert? Gilbert! s h i t Anne looked over and say Billy had already ran away, quickly she got to her feet, "Anne?" Gilbert said, the redhead glanced back at Gilbert who was walking next to Charlie, Gilbert's face instantly filled with worry when he saw the tears on her face "Anne what wrong!" but she had already run inside, Gilbert glanced back at Charlie before running after her.

Anne ran down the hallway towards the cafeteria when she got the door she stopped wiped her face and walked in, "Anne" Smiled Ruby, "over here" Diana waved, Anne smiled and sat down, little did she know billy had accidentally hit her in the head and a purple bruise had appeared on her cheek bone, "oh my god Anne are you ok?!" Diana said taking Anne's face in her hands, "oh my gosh what happened!?" Ruby said leaning over, "what the hell" Cole hissed, Jerry looked up from his phone "oh mon dieu tu vas bien, était-ce Billy!!!" Anne looked at all of them confused, "what?" she said her eyes wide, "what is it!?" she said a confused frown on her face, "oh this should be interesting" Cole said leaning his back onto Daniel who then looked up from his book, smiled at Cole and then, "oh dang, Anne what happened to your face!?" he asked worriedly, then he looked past her shoulder and said, "this should be good" he then wrapped his arm around Cole's shoulder and grinned sheepishly, Anne laughed still a bit confused, "are you guys like a couple or.." her eyes widened as suddenly two strong hands were on her shoulders, spun her around and she came face to face with a very worried Gilbert, "Anne" he said, his eyes scanning her face, he placed both of his hands on each of her cheeks, he took a deep breath, "Anne who did this to you," she stared at him confused, "what?" she said in a quiet voice taking note of how close their faces were, she sat their ridged her hands frozen in mid air. Angry tears came to Gilbert's eyes, "who did it?" he asked, Anne glanced over to where Billy sat, Billy glanced over at Anne and his eyes widened when he saw Gilbert bent over her his hands on her face as he gazed into her eyes, instantly he began to gather all his things into his bag things dropping to the ground as he tried to get it on his back.

Anne didn't realize she had been staring at him until Gilbert's hands left her face and he was storming over to where Billy was trying to pick up the things he had just dropped frantically, "Billy!" he yelled causing the rest of the cafeteria to go silent, "h-hey Gilbert... bud.. bro my.. uh.. friend.."

"why'd you hassle Anne bro?!" he said, Anne sat there stunned, her eyes wide,

"because..." Billy said, Gilbert and Billy were now face to face, "she is just an ugly orpha-"

Suddenly Gilbert's fist had collided with Billy's jaw, billy stumbled back his hand on the side of his jaw, he rolled his shoulder and ran at Gilbert but Gilbert dodged and hit him in the side, Billy grunted, suddenly one of Billy's other friends ran in and punched Gilbert in the nose, Gilbert fell back into Billy who wrapped his arms around Gilbert torso while the other boy landed punches on Gilbert, suddenly Anne leaped up from where she was sitting and ran over, "STOP" she yelled trying to push Billy away she turned to the other boy and shoved him in the chest, suddenly her head whipped to the side as a sharp pain blossomed on her cheek, stumbling back into Gilbert's arms it took her a moment to realize she'd just been slapped, Anne glanced up to see Gilbert staring down staring down at her, a moment passed then Gilbert looked up at Billy with unending rage, he swiftly handed Anne so someone else and began to approach Billy with a vicious ferocity, Anne looked up to see the person holding her was Daniel, he cupped her face in his hands and examined her minor injury, Anne looked over to where Gilbert was standing face to face with Billy , then, he shoved him against the table so sharply Anne flinched. Daniel then began to lead Anne back over to the table where their friends were sitting, she sat down, still stunned, slowly blinking she turned to face her friends, Diana shuffled over and gave Anne a hug, "i'm so sorry" she whispered.

Authors Notes: so


that happened


im sorry I havn't posted in ... ages i just forgot lol 

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