Part eight. Introductions

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Anne sat at the dining table with Jerry and Cole, "oh my gosh I can't wait for Monday when i can introduce you to my friends!" Anne said excitedly
"i cant wait to meet them!" Jerry said
"You wont tell them im.. you know gay right?" Cole asked caushoisly,
"Oh my gosh, no! That's for you to tell them not me" Anne said quickly  Cole nodded with relief.
"Anne... some sertain girls are here to see you" Marilla said as she walked into the dining room,
"Diana?" Anne asked
"Yeah and some others.." Marilla replied"
Anne jumped up from her seat and looked through the window, snow was slowly falling, Anne could see a small bunch of girls standing on the front porch, a huge smile blossomed onto her lips as she ran to open the door, leaving Jerry and Cole to sit there at the table looking a bit confused.
"ANNE" all the girls cried, smothering her in a hug.
slowly Jerry and Cole stood up and walked into the room where Anne was being 'attcked' by hugs.
All the girls stood back laughing and went silent when they saw the two boys.
"Anne..." Diana said slowly "who are these boys?"
"Oh" Anne said smiling, "these dudes are my friends, I've knows them for like ages, they are coming to live right next door to me AND they are going to the same school as us!" The girls stood there staring at the two boys who still hadn't said anything.
Anne walked up to cole, "cole... this is ruby" she said pointing to ruby "this is Jane and Tillie" she waved over to the two girls, "and This is Diana"
"Nice to meet you all" Cole said as politely as he could.
"Oh Anne," DIana said turning back to the red headed girl, "Josie was going to come but had to cancel"
Anne shrugged "i dont really mind.." she said "oh right... Jerry" she said now turning to the short french boy, "this is Ruby, Tillie Jane and Diana"
"bonjour" he said to the girls winking.
"Follow me guys" Anne said to everyone as she walked up the stairs.
Everyone followed here, not knowing what she was going to do.
"AHHH" she yelled as she grabbed a pillow and swung it behind her and hit Cole in the face.
Everyone was silent for a few seconds before Cole grabbed the pillow and "OHH YOUR GONNA REGRET THAT YOUNG LADY" he bellowed while chasing her down the hall way,
Soon everyone else caught on and were all having a pillow fight war thing...
Anne ran over to Jerry and jumped onto his back like a koala. Suddenly someone was knocking on the door, "Onwards! My trusty Stead!" Anne cried pointing towards the door.
Jerry laughed and walked over to the door and opened it.
Gilbert looked at Jerry, and then to Anne sitting on his back, and back to Jerry. "Hi" Anne said failing at hiding the shock in her voice.
Gilbert spun around on his heels and began to walk away, thinking about how stupid he had been to even Think- UGH Gilbert cried in his head.
Anne stared wide eyed as he walked away from her house down towards the fence, she Jumped off Jerry's back and began to race towards the boy with dark brown curly hair who was walking away.
"Gilbert!" Anne cried after him but he didn't stop; luckily Anne was fast, she caught up with him,
"Gilbert!" She said pleadingly
"What?" He said shocked at his own agreaveness
"That was my brother!" Anne said quickly
"Your brother" Gilbert replied not quite believing her.
"Well not by blood but he's Like a brother to me you see!" she continued, relief washed over Gilbert, and then realisation of how stupid he must look right now.
"God i am so stupid" Gilbert began to say.
Anne stepped towards him,and suddenly was lying face down in the thick snow.
Gilbert looked down at the girl, then he burst into laughter, "oh my god, Shirley Girl are you Okay?" He said laughing.
Anne sat up her face pink from the cold, she looked back to her house, where the pillow fight would sill be raging on, Jerry was still waiting at the doorway, watching the whole thing.
Gilbert held out his hand for Anne and she took it, dusting herself off she walked back to the house Gilbert followed her.
Once they were inside Anne introduced Jerry to Gilbert... not even a minute later a pillow had been swung into the back of Anne's head, she spun around to see Gilbert standing there his eyes shining, a pillow in his hand.
Anne squealed and grabbed for it but Gilbert held it above his head, laughing at Anne's attempts of getting the pillow off him.

Authors notes: okayy so i'm pretty sure this chapter sucks lolll, um 347 veiws i am confoozled hOw iS tHiS hAppEninG, sOmeOne tEll MeEeE.

Also any spelling errors pls don't judge me im only 13333333 ShHHh

-Amy the fish stick

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