chapter one. That Blyth Boy

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Beep beep beep.
Anne groaned and rolled over to turn of her alarm, reaching for her phone blindly.
Brushing her hair out of her eyes.
"Anne! Get up you have your first day of school today Remember?" Marilla yelled from down stairs.
Frik Anne thought to herself as she kicked the duvet off of her, she ran over to her closet and grabbed a white crop top with a sunflower printed on the front and some black shorts, she pulled them on and ran over to her mirror and glared at her freckles that were dotted all over her face and her fiery red hair, "the Bane of my existence." she quietly muttered to herself as she brushed it out and tied it into two french plats.
"Hurry up Anne your going to be late!" Marilla called for a second time.
Quickly Anne brushed her teeth, grabbed her phone from its charger and ran down the stairs grabbing an apple as she ran to the door, reaching for her coat.
"Bye Marilla Bye Mathew!" She called out as she opened the door to green gables.
The warm October breeze welcomed her, the sun warmed her skin when she stepped out of the door.
Ok first day of school She thought to herself as she briskly walked down the path towards the small forest that led to the school, first things first... find Diana.
She looked up at the sunny sky above her through the canopy of red and orange leaves, smiling to herself.
Soon she was deep in her imagination...
She was so deep in thought she didn't notice the tall blond boy stepping out in front of her,
Anne crashed into him, instantly snapped out of her daydream.

"Hey!" He said in a gruff voice "watch where your going Freak!"
Anne stared up at him, shocked at his unkind words.
"I didn't mean to bump into you... but you don't have to be Rude" she said strongly, frowning a little.
"Oh, so that's its gonna be huh? You rude to everyone? You Probably have no friends.." he said with a sneer.
"Well" he continued while stepping closer to Anne. Her heart began to race.
"I guess im going to have to Teach you a lesson then" he shoved her in the chest, Hard, she stumbled backwards dropping her bag and she fell onto the hard, dusty ground. He stepped closer. "You really shouldn't-" he was cut off with another voice coming from behind him, "Hey Billy." A boy with a sharp jaw line said walking closer hands in pockets, his dark brown curly hair slightly moving in the light breeze. "Everything alright here?" He asked glancing down at the red headed girl lying on the ground in the dust.
"Uh.. yeah I was just leaving" Billy said turning on his heels and quickly walking down the path he had come from.

"You all right miss?" The boy asked, His brown hazel eyes filled with concern.
"Uh yeah thanks" Anne mumbled, realizing how pathetic she must look lying on the ground; she grabbed her bag and began to walk towards the school, swinging her bag over her shoulder, walking fast making sure he couldn't see her cheeks beginning to heat up and blush.
"Any dragons around her need slaying?" He called after arrogantly.
Ugh, he thinks hes soo cool Anne thought to herself shaking her head.

"Hey wait!" He called running after her "miss? Wait!"Anne ignored him... "whats your name?" He asked finally catching up with her once outside the tall brick building with the sign that read, Avonlea high school. Anne sighed and turned to the boy who stood next to her. "My name is Anne. But when you say it make sure you say it with an e." He looked stunned for a moment but then a small smile grew onto his lips. "Well then Anne, my name is Gilbert. Nice to meet you." Gilbert said as he stretched his hand out for her.
She rolled her eyes and shook his hand, "you new here?" He asked
"Yup" she said not knowing where this conversation would lead. "Well I better go" Anne said before he got the chance to say anything else, she moved past him and walked as quickly as she could, feeling his eyes burn into the back of her head as she walked. Ohh Im Gilbert and im so cool oOoh, she thought to herself aggressively as she searched for her best friend, Diana, she had met her a while ago at a town meeting thing and they became fast friends.

"Anne!" Someone called from behind her.
She spun around and see the welcoming face of her dearest friend. "Diana!" She exclaimed wrapping her arms around her like she hadn't seen her in years.
"I saw you talking to Gilbert Blythe before.." Diana said her eyebrows raised
"Ugh, he is SO full of himself." Anne retorted .
"Aww come" someone said from behind her "i was so nice!" Anne spun around to face the very last boy she wanted to see her face going slightly pink."i..i" she stuttered glancing around nervously.
He chuckled "whatever, see you around... Princess" he called over his shoulder as he walked away.
Anne turned back to Diana glaring, her cheeks pinker than before. "SEE!?" She said angrily.
Diana said nothing a small smile on her lips.
ring riing riiing
" well I better get to...English"Anne said waving to Diana as she walked to her classroom.

Stupid stupid stupid Boy.

So.... that was my first chapter yay!
Im so excited for this hehehe all the shilbert moments and stUfF um.. pls comment any ideas and um.. yeah..
Also idk when ill next be posting so. Yeah..
ALSO any advice you have is welcome.. Yay!

oblivious   •Shirbert• anne with an EDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora