Chapter Twelve, School trip, part 1

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"MATTHEW WE HAVE TO GOOOO" Anne yelled from beside the car, a few moments later he came out holding a small parcel in his hands, "whats that?" Anne asked in confusion, Matthew smiled and pushed it into her hands, "for you.." he said Anne took it and began to open it.. 

"oh Matthew its amazing!" the redhead gushed, a small green notebook  lay on her hands, "i will write many stories in this" she said with a grin, "Now we really have to go because we have to pick up Diana" she said climbing into the car.

*Time skip* at Diana's house

"Diaaaaanaaa" Anne called as she knocked on the door, No one came, Anne sighed, "DIAAA-" suddenly the door opened and Anne froze in shock standing infront of her was none other than Gilbert Blythe, "Gilbert" she said her hand frozen in mid air, 

"hi Anne" he replied,"Diana said i Could come with you because my father is sick... i hope that's.. alright"  

Anne nodded as they made eye contact. Her chest began to flutter.

Why the frickity frick frack am i getting Butterflies?!

Anne thought to herself frowning a little.

"Oh Anne you here!" Diana said, snapping them both out of their trance. "We better go" she continued eyeing them both smugly.

Anne nodded and turned back and began to walk to the car that Matthew was waiting in.

"Mathew" Anne said once she was at the car "Gilbert Blythe is coming with us because his dad is sick."

"Ok" Mathew said.

The three teenagers all piled into Mathews Car and they drove off in silence.

Anne in the middle and Gilbert and Diana on either side of her.

"So Anne" Gilbert said "is your foot feeling better?"

"Yes thank you,"Anne said tightly.

he nodded.

"Oh Anne!" Diana exclaimed suddenly. "I got the list of who will be in who's rooms yesterday and guess what!"

Anne's head snapped around to stare at her bosom friend, "What?!"

"Ruby,you and me are all in the same room!" Diana cried

"Oh yay!" Anne said her eyes lighting up.

Gilbert smiled quietly at the red headed girls reaction.

Authors notes: I just realized you can't 'smile loudly and quietly' but whatever lol ;)

"AND!" Diana continued "Tillie Jane and Josie are in the room next to ours"

Anne was now bouncing on her seat clasping her hands together as if she was praying.

"This is positively scrumptiously AMAZING"Anne exclaimed with as much enthusiasm she could muster.

Gilbert chuckled.

Anne Shirley Cuthbert is a passionate individual all right. He thought to himself as she watched her.

*time skip, at the airport*

"Ok class So, i'm going to give you all your tickets and once you have them please say goodbye to your family members and board the plain." Miss Stacy said loudly so all the children could hear, slowly she began to hand out the plain tickets. "Bye Mathew!" Anne said once she had her ticket, "I'll try not to get too home sick although i'm not sure i will be Able to since I've got to go a whole week without you!" Anne hugged him.

"Bye Anne" Mathew said, his eyes twinkling.

A few moments Anne was on the plain pushing her bag under the seat in front of her, she pulled out her computer once she was settled down, plugged in her ear phones and began to watch Harry Potter.

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