Chapter 2 Stalling for time

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Doric steered the ship to the left and after a couple of minutes they stopped.

"I think we'll be ok here." said Doric. "I need to plot the route again. Shouldn't take long. I'll show you where I have to go."

Raymond followed Doric over to another monitor. Instead of a keyboard underneath Doric touched the screen with his fingers.

"Here is my original map, but we are light years away from the first assignment. We'll have to go to this location and stall time from there. I have to pick up certain items from each place to prove that I actually went there."

"Oh, kinda like a treasure hunt." said Raymond.

"Yeah I suppose it is. said Doric. I've read about treasure hunts in my comics. I might use that as the title of my story for school. I have to write about the trip for school. But I'll have to leave out the part about you though."

Raymond agreed that it might not be a good idea either. They laughed.

Doric entered the co-ordinates for the stalling time location into the monitor.

"Ok, let's take a seat. You better strap yourself in this time.

"Why?"asked Raymond.

"Because I've had to use the warp speed." explained Doric.

Raymond knew what warp speed was from his comics. He had always wondered what it would be like. Now he was about to experience it for real. He strapped himself into the seat next to Doric. Doric pushed another button. This one was green and had large letters on it that said GO. Raymond was thrust backwards into the chair. It felt like he was on the rollercoaster that had come to the annual fair at home but with much more speed. He was gripping the chair so hard he thought his fingers would break. After a couple of seconds he found he was able to sit forward a little. He relaxed his grip on the arm rests.

"So" Raymond asked. "Where do we have to go for the first bit of 'treasure'?"

"Umm, to an old alien cemetery." said Doric. "I have to take a picture of an explorers' grave."

"What's his name?" asked Raymond.

"Julico Spreck." said Doric. I think it's a girl actually. My Dad said she was famous when he was younger. He said he used to have a crush on her. Goes on about her all the time. I think he just wants a souvenir. It's on the planet Helinor."

" Huh my dad goes on about a singer he used to like as well. He doesn't like the music I listen to. Thinks it's all just thumping sounds." said Raymond

"Sounds like my parents." laughed Doric.

"What's the rest of your family like?" he asked.

"There's just my Mum and Dad and me." said Raymond.

"Lucky you" said Doric. I've got an older brother and a younger sister. They can be a bit of a pain. Older brothers get everything first and younger sisters get anything they want. Girls scream a lot. Let me tell you."

"I think you're the lucky one." said Raymond. "My mum and dad are always too busy with the business to worry about me. I have to take care of myself sometimes."

"S'pose you're right." said Doric.

Doric turned his attention to the beeping coming from the control panel in front of them

"Looks like we're nearly there." he said.

They slowed down and stopped.

"I'll set up the stall. We will have to stay completely still while it completes the rotation." Explained Doric. "Any sudden movements and we'll be projected forward in time. Come with me into the engine room. The stall device is in there."

Raymond followed Doric to the rear of the ship. The door opened as they approached it. In the middle of the room Raymond could see a glass cylinder that went from floor to ceiling. It contained a purple liquid that bubbled. It reminded him of the lava lamp that he had at home. He figured that this powered the ship. Around it were more monitors. The room was lit up with a green light.

"Stand here while I set this up." said Doric. "When I say 'now' you must remain completely still. Don't even blink. Ok?"

"Got it." said Raymond nervously.

Doric walked over to one of the monitors. From behind it he produced a small metal box. As he walked back to Raymond the ship jolted and they were both knocked to the floor.

"What was that?" asked Raymond.

"Dunno, but I bet it's not good." said Doric.

They stood up and Doric ran to one of the monitors.

"Oh crap. It's a pirate ship. We have to get outta here now. We'll have to come back when we've lost them!"

"How much time have we got before they are on us?" asked Raymond. "About twenty earth seconds!"

"Is that enough time to set up the stall device?"

"Actually we might just get it." Doric opened the box. The ship jolted again. He lifted a triangle shaped crystal from inside. Another jolt. They both fell on to the floor. Doric dropped the stall device, but with a diving save Raymond caught it.

"Great catch!" Doric took the crystal. He turned a dial on the bottom. "Now!"

Raymond sat completely still. He was facing the ships engine. He watched the purple liquid freeze. He dared not move his eyes to see what the crystal was doing.

"Hope that's worked." said Doric. He stood up and checked the monitor. "Yes!"

Raymond stood up and Doric put up his hands for a high five.

"Let's get going."

They made their way back to the front of the ship. Outside immediately in front of them Raymond could see the ship that had been firing on them frozen in time. It was indeed a pirate ship. On the side was emblazoned a skull and crossbones.

"Huh" thought Raymond. 

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