Ordinary After All: Episode Nine

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Previously on Ordinary After All...

"I don't know how that serum was developed or how it even works, but all I can say is that it is truly remarkable."(Marlé)


"Alright, okay...John, trust me, I will explain, but...

that wasn't the guard.

It was your father."


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"What did you say...?"(John)

"John, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it's true."(Marlé)

"I don't believe it."(John)

"John, I swear on my own life it's true."(Marlé)


(John presses the knife up against Marlé's throat, making it bleed slightly.)


"His plan was to take advantage of your ability and use you as a weapon.  He was taking advantage of your ability, you, and your emotions.  Things went south when I turned him in on that fateful day.  They sent their best officers to take care of him.  From there, things went exactly as planned for them.  They found you and once you kicked most of the officers butts the ones who were still conscious arrested you.  Little did we know, William was more prepared than us.  Who knows how many backup plans that guy had.  Now, hear me out.  This is very generic for a person of your dad's type, but I'm serious.  He wanted to overthrow the authorities and the government.   He was going to set the world at war.  Why do the dirty work when people will just eat at each other until there is nothing left?  Ha... when the court gave him a choice, human weapon or no ability, of course he chose weapon.  It would get him closer to the government, after all.  When they were taking you both away...actually, before I say anything, I'm just going to be blunt: I was one of the guards.  My original name was J.P. Maud.  I was friends with your father for about five years.  Once he divorced, he was in ruin.  That's when he went crazy.  I was shocked, scared out of my wits.  I cut off any connection to him.  I spent the next couple years building a machine to strip his ability for good.  When I realized it was you he was trying to use, I knew I had to get rid of your ability before I got rid of his."(Marlé)

"Why would you..."(John)

"Because it was for your own good, John!  Now let me continue, this is a relatively long story.

John, I was an ignorant little b*#ch, and I actually built the machine to strip abilities and make it transferrable between anyone.   I hid the machine behind the chair you sat in,  but then I got a distress call from the room William was kept in.  I had to go help them, so I ran out thinking I would be back in a short minute.  When I opened the door, I saw two guards' bodies, all bloodied and bruised on the floor.  William told me he was going to get John, but he needed help getting out of his restraints.  I got him out, and he took off the one of the uniforms off of the guard and disguised himself as one.  He gathered his military applications, stole the serum they were developing, and went to retrieve you.  But before he did he said 'Start the car.'


I was his accomplice."(Marlé)

 "You were WHAT...?!"(John)


"Don't get me wrong I regret it fully.  But I needed the money at the time.  I was really desperate.  Anyway... I was waiting for him.  He went to the Gov Building and sent his application in.  They never got back to him."

"You know what...?"(John)

"What?" (Marlé)

"After I heard all of this...

I'm gonna confront him."

Ordinary After All

Episode Nine 


Authors note:



As a bonus, I will be releasing BRAND NEW  unseen episodes and my personal episode planners in a follower-exclusive package.  Here it is!

(The J stands for John)

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(The J stands for John)

And after Season 2, I might release an English Dub if it works out... ;)

But anyway, ya know, usual sign off, if you liked the episode, please leave a vote, if you have any comments/feedback/constructive criticism, leave a comment!  Intrested in illustrating, contact me on Instagram glyter_freeze_s2a, here, or on the following Aminos:


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*(I have a tips and tricks chat)

See you (hopefully) next Tuesday for the Season One Finale!!!

Stay weird!!


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