Ch: 3 Unlikely behavior

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Jade's POV

"Is that what I now have to say in order to get my old girl back?" he said in a disgusting tone.

"fuck off" I pulled my dress out from under his foot. "You shouldn't be here" I confronted him.

He chuckled and pulled out a cigarette. "Why shouldn't I" he dared to ask as he lit the cigarette. "Is there something you are hiding" he took a puff.

I rolled my eyes. I was trying to scan the area for my guards but it was hard in the disco lights and loud music. "I doubt my father will be pleased to see you here" I growled.

"Babe trust me" He smoked in my face, "I am wanted here."


"I miss you moaning my name-"

I slapped him hard. "You will no disrespect me" I told him before walking away. I pushed through the crowds until I saw Mario in a group of men. I sped up to get closer.

I reached my arm out and tapped his shoulder quickly. "Mario help me" I quickly begged. No response.

"Mario" I said louder maybe he didn't hear me. I quickly turned around and saw Theodore coming quickly. I grabbed his shoulder, turning him around only to find someone that wasn't Mario.

"I-" he was the man coming down the stairs not too long ago.

"Can I help you?" he said gently.

"I thought you were someone else-" I quickly said and he smiled. He had the most golden brown eyes I had ever seen in someone and the fact that his mask hid everything else it just made me lose myself in them. "I am sorry" I apologized quickly "but I-" I quickly looked behind me and saw him closer so I did something impulsive.

I crashed into the stranger's lips and I was expecting him to pull away and yell at me, but what surprised me wasn't his soft lips but instead he kissed me back. I felt him put his hands on my face cupping it and bringing me closer. He was gentle in kissing me and as if we've done it before we moved together so perfectly. I wrapped my arms around his neck not stopping he put one arm around my waist and the other on my neck, holding me stable. I wanted to stop but I was far too in to stop and from his side it seemed like he didn't want to either. It felt so natural.

I was intoxicated by his kiss, by our kiss.

But nothing good lasts in my life, it never has. He stopped and pulled away leaving me wanting more.

"Can I help you?" the stranger says looking ahead of me. I turn my head to see Theodore standing there and I quickly get tense. I held on tighter to the stranger's shoulder and as if he could read me he pressed a kiss on my cheek.

"You will regret this" Theodore snarled and took a step as if he was about to strike.

In seconds the stranger pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around me. "You will not threaten what is mine Theodore West" the man knew him.

"You have some nerve" and with that Theodore left angrily disappearing in the crowd.

Suddenly he pulled me out from shielding me and my mask fell. Before he could get a glimpse I grabbed it and put it on quickly. I hoped that no one else saw me or saw what just happen.

"Will you be okay?" he asked as if nothing just happen between us.

I looked up at him, "Yes-"

"He isn't someone you should be messing with" he informed me.

I chuckled. "I didn't think he'd be here" I told him.

"Well I am glad I could've helped" he smiled showing his pearl white teeth.

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