Ch:1 Coincidence

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Jade's POV
We pulled around to the front, and there it was.
The Shade Manor
Quite dull and old fashioned if you ask me, of course, it was better when mother was alive according to the pictures.
Guards were all lined, on duty and watching for something to go wrong. They were in the same spots as I remembered but right now it was packed, men in black everywhere. And I know this isn't about me coming home, it wouldn't make sense. My presence is important but not important because the attention on me is to be limited. If I was kidnapped, anyone who found me had struck gold, I was that valuable in this world. I am not only the princess of a mafia but I am the princess of The NightShade, the most powerful and feared mafia in Italy. Therefore, all this guard commotion wasn't for my arrival, it was something more and since it involved the elites it has to be connected to us, the royal blooded. 

"Zane and heirs are back" I heard Liam say into his earpiece. Suddenly the doors were flung open and I was basically forced out. I stepped on the cold stone of the pathway in front of my home, and all eyes were set on me. A line for guards was at both sides of me, creating a path, a protective one.  

"She's beautiful" I heard. The remarks of beauty and my existence was the one thing the newer guards could talk about.

"Here" he shoved my bag to me, "Jordan will help you settle in" he said. I threw my bag on my back and just ignored him. I took a look around and then looked behind me, the manor gates were closed, there was no leaving.

"where are my men" I looked around then I met my brother's emerald eyes.

He rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance. "Probably sleeping or on duty-"

"Call them in" I ordered cutting him off. 

"Get her inside" I heard my father order the guards right in front of me. 

"I think I'll stay" I responded and looked right into my father's eyes, "I'm no lame duck here" I said.

"Zane" Liam calmed my father down. He had his stance still, staring me down and trying to study me. When hasn't he?

"Fine" he growled "but stay away from everyone, the last thing I need is you getting hurt"

I chuckled. "Like you honestly care" and he tensed up. My father just gave me a cold stare before walking away with Liam following. I turned to face Nol, he wasn't amused with me being next to him. "What's going on," I asked.

"Elites only" he muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "I took a pledge, I know my place here and I know you know mine. I too am an Elite, I haven't died. Now tell me" I ordered.

The guards that heard were muttering to one another.

I looked at them, "it's our business" I told them "keep your thoughts to yourself or I'll put you and your place" I threaten and they all straightened up.

"Little sister you really aren't prepared to be challenging. You are in no position to order guards. Nothing but your personal maid can listen. You're just the princes-" I slapped him.

"Shut up" I ordered. "You will not talk to me like that, not here, not behind closed doors, nowhere. Am I understood" I asked? 

"Keep pushing it Jade" Nol growled. "You'll soon learn badly" he threatens. 

"I can't wait then" I took one look into his emerald eyes before leaving him there. This was no place for me, I wanted nothing to do with the Mafia, nothing if it meant being treated like this. I wanted to be my own person but that is developed as a child, it's how you're raised and I, I am already an adult, past that stage to change. I am not one to become attached, to be compassionate, to love, to fight for others.

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