Ch:13 My Fault

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Jade's POV
My eyes flickered as a soft chill climbed my spine making me shiver. Flicking my eyes to the left, seeing him sleeping ever so peacefully. His hair was rumpled from sleeping, his dark brown curls were flopping over his forehead. Absentmindedly my hand reached over to tangle my fingers into those curls but I stopped myself. What are you think?
I ever so slowly curled up closer to him. As if he knew, he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer, making me feel protected. His warm hands, one on my head and the other around my waist.

Holding me as if I was gonna be ripped away.

Hearing his heartbeat and soft breaths I gave sleep another go. My mind was just at this moment, this good moment. He then began to caress my forehead and sleep overtook me.

Almost two hours later

The subconscious feeling of someone staring at me woke me up only to find two beautiful amber-gold eyes looking at me. Noticing he flashed me a smile and it was like that smile made reality click because I then remembered.

Remembered last night.

"Good morning," I simply said before he swooped down and planted a kiss on my forehead. It was innocent and pure.

"Good morning, amore."

"I thought I was going to wake up to an empty bed" he confessed in between kisses before hovering above me

"I've never done this," I said, feeling my cheeks grow warm. He chuckled before getting off and laying back down, I sat up quickly offended by that chuckle. "Was I supposed to leave" I foolishly asked?

His smile disappeared and his eyes were on me. I could see the lust, admiration, the desire, the want as he looked at me but I also saw love and safety. Something I felt familiar with him. "I wouldn't have blamed you if you did but I didn't want you to," he said before showing me a devilish smirk, "-because then I wouldn't have been able to appreciate you this morning," he said before cupping my breast.

"I had a wonderful night, amore" he said in a husky tone. I hummed in response as he continues to play with my breast. "Do you agree" he dared ask as my hands were now tangled with his hair but before I could respond he met my lips and kissed me deeply and with that, flashbacks of last night filled my mind.

I enjoyed every replay of it.

Putting himself in between my legs I felt his growing size against my bare pussy. His hands were at my hips holding me down and close to him but just as he softly squeezed it was like a trigger, my body began to ache.

Ache from all of last night making me whimper into his mouth.

He pulled off, worried. "Did I hurt you" he was quick to ask.

I shook my head, "I'm sore" I said softly. He smiled, bent down, and kissed my forehead once again before heading to the bathroom. Wearing nothing he pranced over there and I could only admire his back that had some red lines along with defined muscles.

"You like your work, amore " he asked from the bathroom. I smiled before I heard the bathwater turn on.

Was this guy gonna shower and not ask? I thought but before any emotion could take over I saw him come out. He had a towel wrapped around him dangerously low and as I scanned up I got to see his muscular defined body in the light and truly admire it. He had scars, beautiful ones along with tattoos. So many but all scattered around his torso, arms, neck, and back, all around making him a unique artwork.

"I'm sure every girl says this, but you're very attractive," I said sheepishly. His smile disappeared at those words. He approached me, our foreheads touching, "Alexandra, you're the first girl I've been with since the last time" I cocked my brow.

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