Hannah and The New Student

Start from the beginning

"Hannah," Andrew initiated, "do you want to play basketball with me?" 

"Sure! I would love to-" Hannah 1 replied cheerfully.

Suddenly, Andrew interrupted and stated: "I was asking that to Hannah 2. Not to you, Hannah 1." 

Hannah 1 sighed again. She pretended to stay happy and strong but deep inside she did not. 

"I have invited Hannah to my house for a sleepover next week." Hannah's classmate Charlotte said, telling another classmate, Monica. 

Overhearing this, Hannah 1 finally looked very happy and asked Charlotte if she really did invite her. 

"Wait," Charlotte said looking surprised, "how do you know about the sleepover? The Hannah I invited is actually Hannah 2." 

Hannah 1 walked away with a long face. In her mind, she thought that maybe nobody liked her or wants to be friendly with her all because of the other Hannah. 

"I'm NOT Hannah." She thought to herself, "I'm going to be called Meg. This will be a better name for everyone to remember." 

"Mum," Hannah said to her back home, "my name is Meg, not Hannah. Can I please change it to that?" 

"Well okay, Hannah." Mum responded, "I mean Meg." 

Hannah beamed again. She told Miss Williams that starting from today her name will be "Meg". 

It was class time again. 

"So class, who can spell the word 'difficulty'?" Miss Williams questioned. 

'Hannah' and 'Meg' raised their hands up and Miss Williams pointed to 'Hannah'. 

"D-I-F-F-I-C-U-L-T-Y" 'Hannah' answered in a confident manner. 

"That's right, Hannah!" Miss Williams praised her giving a gold star and the entire class began to clap for 'Hannah', "well done!" 

"And it means something is hard to deal with such as..." 'Meg' added. 

"Well, I asked how the word is spelled." Miss Williams interrupted. "And not what it meant. So the gold star is given to 'Hannah'." 

"But, my name is Hannah." 'Meg' protested back. "Learning what the word means is more important than spelling it." 

"I thought you changed it to Meg." 'Hannah responded looking confused. 

"Yeah." Miss Williams agreed. "And I called 'Hannah' not 'Meg'." 

'Meg' sighed and thought changing her name is no good. She thought maybe being friends with Hannah 2 will make her feel better. 

"Hannah!" Hannah 1 approached her. "I would like to be friends with you so why don't I invite you over to my house?" 

"That's a great idea!" Hannah 2 answered beaming at Hannah 1. "I would love to go!"

"I have decided to be called Hannah and not Meg anymore. Maybe we can do a 'Hannah' club and the club is only for people that are called 'Hannah' and no other name." Hannah 1 suggested. 

Hannah 2 really accepted the suggestion. 

At Hannah 1's house, the two Hannahs' has set up a hiding spot where it will be their club. 

"So," Hannah 1 asked Hannah 2, "what is good about the name 'Hannah'?" 

"I guess it's symmetrical." Hannah 2 answered, "because it starts with 'Han' which is 'H-A-N' and ends with 'nah' 'N-A-H'." 

"That's good." Hannah 1 smiled. "So, besides the rule of only Hannahs joining in the club, what rule should we have for the Hannah Club?" 

The two girls then saw Hannah's sister Emily running around with her best friend, Kasey and asked if they can play together. 

"Well, Emily and Kasey, I am sorry but this club is only for Hannahs." Hannah 1 rejected sharply.  

The girls sighed and carried on running around, chasing each other. 

"Your sister seems to be having fun with her best friend." Hannah 2 whispered loudly to Hannah 1. 

"Oh yeah," Hannah 1 admitted, "I guess a Hannah club is getting very boring and no good. So, why don't we play with them and no matter if a name is used on more than one person in the world, I will be okay about it." 

Hannah 1 told her parents how she and Hannah 2 quickly became friends and wouldn't be bothered if there was another Hannah and people are allowed to have the same name. She then felt  much better and proud to be called 'Hannah' and will never change her name no matter what happens. 

Moral: You should be proud of who you are and accept everyone's similarities to you

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