Rachel's Best Friend

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Rachel's best friend was Elizabeth since they were born and she is coming over to play in Rachel's house. 

"Here's Elizabeth!" Rachel called. "Hi Elizabeth!" 

"Hi Rachel!" Elizabeth greeted. 

Rachel and Elizabeth decided to play in Rachel and her little brother Alex's room. They took all of Rachel's toys and began to play. They first played with Rachel's doll house. 

"You be the children and I be the parents." Rachel told Elizabeth. 

"Ok," Elizabeth smiled. Suddenly,  Alex came into her room and put on one of Rachel's crowns. Alex began to laugh. "King Alex," he said to himself. Suddenly, Rachel got woken up by him. 

"Alex!" Rachel said using a bossy tone, "you are not allowed to play, this is only for girls." She took the crown off Alex. He didn't look happy. 

'Let's play witches!" Elizabeth suggested, looking at Rachel's witch hats. Rachel smiled and put her witch hat on and gave one to Elizabeth. 

"We are now witches, but we need broomsticks!" Rachel said. All of a sudden, Alex came back and he put on Rachel's starry wizard hat pretending to be a wizard. Rachel frowned at Alex. 

"Alex! Stop it!" Rachel said in a bossy tone again, "you are not allowed to play, this is only for girls." She took the wizard's hat off Alex. He looked distraught. 

"Why does your brother keep disturbing us?" Elizabeth asked Rachel. 

"I guess he wants to play but we have our own toys." Rachel said unpleasantly. 

Suddenly, Mum called Alex. She was making cookies and asked Alex to help. Alex came down but, he really wanted to play with Rachel and Elizabeth more than helping Mum. 

"I'm bored, what should we play now?" Rachel questioned. 

"How about hospital? I be the nurse and you be the doctor." Elizabeth smiled when she saw Rachel's doctor set. But there was one problem, they needed a patient. 

"Ok but we need a patient. Who could it be?" Rachel asked. She thought about Alex and felt bad for not letting him play with them. Rachel ran downstairs to the kitchen as she heard Alex helping Mum bake cookies there. 

"Alex," Rachel called. Alex felt excited that he ran upstairs to play with the girls. "We are playing hospital and we needed a patient so we were thinking that you could be our patient, so first of all you need to lie down." Rachel put Alex on his bed. She put a thermometer in Alex's mouth. 

"Your temperature is really high, Alex." Rachel said, "let Nurse Elizabeth feel your forehead." 

Elizabeth felt Alex's forehead. "It's boiling hot!" She complained. "Ow! Alex definetely has a fever, we need some medicine. Does anyone have any?" 

Suddenly, Dad came in to see how the girls were. 

"Why is Alex in bed?" He asked looking worried. 

"We are playing hospital and Alex is our patient, Dad." Rachel told him. Alex began to giggle. 

"Can there be visitors?" Dad questioned Rachel. 

"Of Course, you can talk to Alex." She smiled. Dad sat on Alex's bed to check if he's alright. Suddenly, Mum came in with a plate of cookies. 

"Hi Everyone! I got Alex's medicine." She beamed giving Alex a cookie. Alex immdieately took it and began to eat it. Suddenly Dad had an idea. 

"I got a tummy ache, can I have a cookie to make my tummy better?" He asked rubbing his tummy. 

"Oh Honey, here." Mum said. Dad took the cookie and it made him feel better. Everyone took cookies and began eating together. 

Moral: Games can be played for both girls and boys. 

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